
New Community Features

Dear {subtag:name}
Just to let you know, that as promised, we have added the ability to manage your own details on the website. You can change email but also connect with other community members, add your picture if you like. You will see a new "Community" menu section has been added with several features.

About half the site is now only availabe to registered users and is visible one you log on.

If you have trouble logging on, make sure you type your username and password by hand and not let your browser just add the detail for you. Some have had trouble with this.

Please invite others to register that you think would benefit from being part of the community. We will have some new contributors writing content soon which I am looking forward to.

This journey has been a wild ride for many of us. If any of you would like to share your journey into finding the Father and Son, please submit it to me for sharing with others. Something no more than about 3 or 4 pages if that is possible.



Identity Wars Facebook Advertising Campaign

Our Advertising Campaign is going well with identity wars on facebook. We now have 360 members on the page and growing. If you have not had a chance to read Identity Wars or watch the DVD series, I invite you to check it out. It was designed to present the gospel as expressed in the 1888 message in a non-technical manner to anyone with a spiritual interest. We ask for your prayers with this process and if possible finanical support for the advertising. You can also become a member on this link


Website Hacked

We had an interesting time last friday afternoon. All my websites went down when the God-head.com website was infected with a trojan virus. We are still not sure how this ocurred but it motivated us to take some backup action. We will soon have several mirror sites if the first site goes down. More details later.


News Letter

We have transitioned into a newsletter format, so that if you want to opt out of regular updates you can unsubscribe but still access the site at your convenience. We are now offering three subscriptions

  1. Fountain Instant Updates
  2. Fountain Fortnightly Article Digest
  3. Fountian News - Each Month

Once you log in click on the Newsletter option under the coummunity menu to select which ever you would like to subscribe to.


Recent Articles and Resources

We recently added two documents from Kelvin Cobbin researching the faith of our fathers. Kelvin has done some excellent research and it is worth checking out. Documents are in the Library under the studies section If you have not had a chance to examine some of the Business Session minutes from the 1980 General Conference Session, I invite you to check them out. While a little tedious, there is much to learn.

Register now www.God-head.com