Dear maranathamedia subscriber
I John 1:3: That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
It is with joy I report our meetings at Amicalola Falls near Atlanta Georgia. For several of us it was a time to finally meet after several months of fellowship online through the website.
For my wife and I it was such a blessing to sit with like minded believers and open the Word of God and dig deeper into the Word of life. For the first time I met Randy Thompson and His wife Karna and their family; Frank Klin and his good friend Rex; Michael Delaney and his wife Joy. These were friends that I had connected with via email and through the website and developed a strong friendship already. So to meet them was a gift from heaven. On top of this I was able to meet several people for the first time who cherish the Father and His Son. There are so many names that I can't name them all, but all in all it was such a blessing. After a number of years of rejection, resistance and retaliation as well as silence, saddness and suffering for the begotten Son, Amicalola was a boon from heaven for my wife and I. Thanks to all who were able to make it and make our time joyful. Below is a picure of our meeting room after one of the meetings with a nice shot of the back of Frank Klin in the foreground!

There were a few people that I had wished I could meet but were not able to make it such as Corey McCain, Russell Untershultz, Joanne Isaac and Bobbie Beck, but we trust we shall see each other soon in our Father's kingdom.
We have released a number of the presentations on our vimeo video server and I know several of you have watched these already but for those who didn't here are the presentations that we have so far.
Adrian Ebens:
1. Identity Foundations
2. Dual Authority and Equality
3. Made in His Image
4. I am a Blessed Man
Gary Hullquist:
1. From the Father to the Children
2. Heir of All Things
Michael Delaney: Testimony
Stephen Dickie: Islam: God's Forgotten Blessing
Jeff Wilson: The Last Adam
I want to say a big thank you to Gary and Carolyn Hullquist who graciously hosted us and did most of the leg work in making sure we were all accomadated. Gary and Carolyn have been a wonderful encouragement to Lorelle and I and we thank the Lord for their stedfastness in the message of the Father and His Son.

After the BIble retreat a number of us toured through some of the Adventist Pioneer sites. Gary and Carolyn, Lorelle and I travelled together. I felt a strong sense of connection as we fellowshipped together at William Miller's Farm and Chappel. It was a special moment for me to sit as his study desk where he hammered out the foundations of the Advent movement and the discovery of the 2300 days

How thankful I am for the casket of jewels that Miller gave to us as a people. (See EW 81-83) Indeed the truths of the BIble given to us have been covered in sand and trashed by a spiritualised method introduced to us through several of our accredited institutions and the fashionable custom to completing a doctrate from a non Adventist University, yet the angel of the Lord is coming to sweep away the dust and filth of man's opinion and once again the precious jewels given to us on a solid platform will lay the foundation for the 4th angel to sound amongst us and lighten the earth with His Glory.
We also had the privilege of visiting the World Headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It was a bitter sweet experience. Thinking of the wonderful blessings that have been heaped upon us as a people and the great privileges and gifts we have been given and what we have done with it and now turned our backs on Him and worshipped Baal in the form of human tradition and speculation. I ask the Lord to forgive us and help us. I ask the Lord to help our Leaders and bless them and their families and help them to find the joy that we have found in the begotten Son. I know that our Father has not forsaken our Church and that He will help us and set things right at the head of the work as He promised. I know he loves our leaders and yearns to bless them and He wishes us to pray for them and and seek forgiveness on behalf of our church. I was just thankful to be able to go there and ask the Lord to forgive us for rejecting Him and His Son in the declaration of the 1980 Fundamental statement.

On behalf of Gary Hullquist and myself, we would just like to thank all of our dear friends that prayed for us all that the Bible retreat could go ahead. There were many obstacles and challenges for some of us. One man came to the meetings knowing that it may cause the end of his marriage. That takes courage. Let us continue to pray for each other and maintain the sweet peace of our dear Saviour who patiently bore reproach and trusted that His Father would make all things work together for good.
Till next time may our Father bless you in abundance in the knowledge of His beloved Son
Adrian Ebens
Maranatha Media

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