Maranatha Media

Jesus our Forerunner

Posted Mar 26, 2014 by Morry Stokes in General
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Greetings all,

i would like to share something I read in a book called The Cross and it's Shadow by Stephen Haskel. I was blessed by this and I hope you are as well :- 

"The Saviour gave His life a sacrifice for sin here on earth; and as He entered the heavenly sanctuary as High Priest, He is called the "forerunner". Under no circumstances, except as He enters "within the veil" of the heavenly sanctuary, is that name applied to the Saviour. (see Heb 6:19,20)
In all monarchical forms of government the forerunner is a familiar character. In gorgeous uniform, with waving plumes, he rides before and announces the approach of the royal carriage. While he is always hailed with joy by the waiting crowds, yet he is not the center of attention; their eyes do not follow him as he passes on, but are turned down the road whence he came to get the first glimpse of the royal personage of whom he is the forerunner.
Of the many condescensions on the part of our Blessed Master, this is one of the grandest. When He entered heaven a Mighty Conquerer over death and the grave, before the entire heavenly Host and representatives of other worlds, He entered a Forerunner for us. He presented the "wave sheaf"(see Lev 23; Matt 27:52,53; Eph 4:8), those brought forth from their graves at the time of His resurrection, as a sample of the race He had died to redeem, thus directing the attention of that wonderful assemblage down the road whence He came to watch - for royalty? - yes, for royalty made so by His precious blood (see 1 Peter 2:9). It is only a company of poor, frail mortals stumbling along and often falling by the way; but when they reach the heavenly gate, they will enter "Heirs of God and joint-Heirs with Christ". {The Cross and it's Shadow, Ch viii Christ our High Priest, by Stephen Haskell}

This is a wonderfull condescension by our blessed Lord. I have only started to read this book and I am impressed by it so far. Stephen Haskell was one of the pioneers that accepted Jones and Waggoners message of Righteousness by Faith from the beginning.