Comment Policy
Maranatha Media provides a website community for discovery and learning in a creative and encouraging environment. We highly encourage supportive comments of encouragement and sharing feedback on how articles and materials have proved a blessing.
Maranatha media is focued on discussion related to foundation and development of the Seventh-day Adventist movement that began in 1844 and builds on the central themes of the Third Angel's Message in the context of the 1888 message of righteousness by faith.
We encourage constructive comments that encourage members to consider further research and exploration into the subject. The suugestions of more material to advance the thoughts suggested is also encouraged.
Our aim is NOT to prove other members wrong but rather offer support, ecouragement and thoughtful questions that will foster a positive learning enviroment and experience. We wish to encourage our members to think and write and grow without a spirit of debate, attack, belittle and condemn that is sadly common on social media sites.
Those who engage in negative commenting in a non constructive way will receive two cautions and invited to retract hash comments. If the behaviour happens a third time, they will be removed from further commenting.