Maranatha Media
Author Adrian Ebens
Published Aug 12, 2008
Written Aug 29, 2004
Downloads 28,098

Other Languages


Latest Revision 4.2 updated January 19, 2018

Download Folder and Studies (513 Pages) updated Feb 1, 2018

Download Full CD-ROM Version (Includes all Powerpoint and Word files) updated Feb 1, 2018

Training Manual

German Chart Folder

This series of studies is designed to teach someone the Three Angels messages of the Bible. Each study is based around a chart that allows each subject to be presented visually. 

It contains a collection of 55 charts, 34 studies and training manual designed for presenting the Three Angels Messages. Fully illustrated.

This resources is used by many Bible students around the world to share the gospel. It took several years to develop this resource and now is freely available for you to download