Maranatha Media

Damian Becomes a Free Man Escaping the Pentagon System

Posted Jan 03, 2025 by Damian Fabio in Testimonies and Stories
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I'm Damian and I'm the Spanish translator of Escaping the Pentagon of Lies. I want to share a quick testimony related to the way this book really helped me escape these lies and how it positively impacted my life in a practical way. This isn't just a story or a fun narrative that introduces some principles. It's been loaded and saturated with the message sequence and the five points of the pentagon and it's a tool that if taken seriously I believe can teach a lot of things in theoretical and practical ways.

This is the longest book I've translated so far, the previous being The Mirror Principle. I faced huge challenges trying to keep a translation rhythm with Mirror Principle, but a miracle happened with this one: the Lord put in my heart the idea of translating the book at a pace of 2% of the book per day, expecting to finish in about sixty days. He provided and I finished in approximately seven weeks, and to me that's enough evidence that God definitely wanted this book to be translated soon.

I loved the story and the narrative. It's easy to read and it teaches many principles in practical ways. Maatan and Stella, the main characters, teach about the Divine Pattern in a husband-wife relationship and after reading their conversations, discussions, trials and successes together you can find a beautiful example of how an ideal relationship in Christ should be. Many of the displays of love, affection between husband and wife, and correct execution of Divine Pattern principles as source or as channel, began to happen in our marriage. This was not an active attempt of mimicking the book; after reading we realised that many aspects of our Christian life were set into the source-channel pattern, such as me being a ministry leader and my wife being a natural medicine doctor, I was working to heal from a spiritual illness while she was working to heal physical illnesses, for instance. After these realisations, our behavior began to resemble Maatan and Stella's relationship.

The book recounts Maatan's expulsion from the Adventist Church due to believing in the Father and Son and the relational principles in God's kingdom. This filled us with a deep sense of empathy for those undergoing the same treatment, and we were thankful we didn't have to go through a painful process like that. This encouraged us to speak more plainly and clearly to our brethren and to share more openly the principles we believe in.

We also learned about the gift of freedom, and the way we should give it to our children in the same way our Father does with us. This led us to realize we were attempting to teach the New Covenant to our daughters but they were getting the Old Covenant treatment, and that some things should change in our family. No father will find easy handing this gift to their children, and Maatan and Stella's process encouraged us to do the same four our girls. 

When Maatan begins uncovering the lie of the dispensational covenants with the help of A.T. Jones' grand-grandson, I had to sit with my wife for a study and make sure we were actually understanding correctly what the covenants are and how they work. In many aspects we were still trying to get salvation through our own works. We learned about God's provision, and in faith we clung to His promise that He has always provided everything for us, even before we ask, because of His Agape and not because we deserve it through our works. We had to face a heavy financial trial to understand this and we are very grateful our Father allowed this for our own good.

This led us to understand something that's not explicitly stated in the book, but we learned our Father wants to release us from all fear. We understood that all fears we manifest are a channel of the fear of death, and that's what keeps us enslaved. Jesus came to obtain victory and to release us from this fear, and through overcoming fear, Satan is left powerless, because Agape casts out all fear. We began to pray so we could overcome this and manifest fully the faith of Jesus. In order to achieve this, we have to escape, and I think that's the purpose of the book, to allow for the release and escape this worldly system.

Reaching the end of the book, Maatan learns through a traumatic experience that he was personally and individually crucifying Christ, and that Christ carries an invisible Cross every day. This realization has to break everyone's heart so repentance can happen and we are enabled to work for the saving of the souls, not to end our own suffering, but to end everyone else's suffering and Christ's. We remembered Waggoner's words that we should contemplate the Cross of Christ in every living thing, and were reminded that Christ is also carrying their life, so they don't immediately die in our presence and through our thoughts of hatred, and also that He is holding nature so the earth doesn't blow up on us in an instant. We were convicted and learned we shouldn't be manifesting any type of hatred towards any living thing Christ has fought and obtained victory to reclaim the lost dominion. 

Many times Maatan is accused of being a liar, crazy, twisting the Scripture, or taking some principles too far. Many times I was accused of the same things, and sometimes in parallel to Maatan. Maatan struggles because he has to withstand the aggression and also keep a Christlike character, which is a trial for everyone of us every time we are despised because we believe in the actual everlasting gospel. I struggle too, but this book helps us to remember the actual procedure to win the battle: a constant state of prayer and communion with Jesus, because we depend upon the brightness of God's glory on His face to know the right spirit to manifest in these situations.

We learned about the channel of blessing. We try to bless constantly, we want our daughters and family to know God has a blessing for them and through our family ministry they can access it. We want everyone around us to know He has blessed and we cannot reverse it. We learned to pray differently, we want to bless this world with a higher frequency of Agape that flows peace to the earth and our brethren. Many things we knew, many things we had read and even explained to other people, but this story helped a lot of things that were only theory in our lives, to manifest and go practical, with actual, real effects on our spirits and bodies.

We are very thankful to our Father for bringing us into this wonderful community, to allow us to be released every single day, without fail, of some form of slavery Satan had placed upon us. To be able to say every day "You are Faithful and You have already provided for us" and "I will fear no evil, for you are with us". We say this every day and we say it out loud because we want our family to hear it, and we know we also need to actually hear it ourselves, so the thought can be magnified into words. Like I said to our dear pastor and author, 2% a day makes all fears go away.

There was blessing in this book, like in many others, and we can't reverse it; instead, I encourage you to have a fun read and experience the manifestation of these principles in your lives for yourselves.