Maranatha Media
Download Book Download Audiobook
Author Adrian Ebens
Narrator Obadiah Wright
Published Dec 24, 2021
Last Updated Mar 12, 2024
Pages 272
Downloads 2,431
Audio Downloads 2,026
Total Downloads 4,457

Download Audio in Chapters

  • What are the steps involved for coming into complete harmony with God?
  • Does God require blood to be shed before He will forgive us?
  • Did God cause His Son to be killed to pay our debt of sin?
  • Why did Jesus compare Himself to being lifted up like the serpent made of brass?
  • What is the significance of Moses striking the Rock when He was commanded to speak to it?
  • If the human race was taken captive by Satan, who sets the ransom price for our release?
  • Is Penal Substitution required for Salvation?
  • Is the death of the Cross a Vicarious Atonement for our sins?
  • Do the Christian churches teach the complete truth of the Atonement?

Chapters and times for each chapter in audiobook

1. In Search of Atonement  
2. The Reformers Context 16:04
3. Divine Justice and Punishment 24:23
4. Adam's Hidden Treachery 34:02
5. I Have Glorified You on Earth 49:24
6. The Throne of Iniquity 59:20
7. Uplifted Serpent 1:18:05
8. Striking the Rock 1:35:24
9. Man's Atonement 1:45:26
10. Where Sin Abounded Grace Did Much More Abound 2:04:50
11. The Slaughter of Innocence 2:21:08
12. The Veil of His Flesh 2:40:02
13. Context for Abraham and Isaac Story 3:07:07
14. The Faith of Abraham 3:29:18
15. Daniel and the Abominable Treachery of the Little Horn 3:56:16
16. William Miller, the Daily and the Transgression of Desolation 4:09:41
17. The Cleansing of the Sanctuary 4:24:45
18. Comparison Between Protestant and Adventist Atonement 4:39:54
19. The Heavenly Sanctuary 4:57:40
20. The Judgment and the Blotting Out of Sin 5:19:27
21. Breaking the Yoke of Covenant Dualism 5:43:24
22. Coming to Manhood - The Cross a Present Thing 6:10:00
23. The Meaning of Blood in the Sanctuary 6:30:00
24. The Punishment of Us All 6:48:14
25. Back into the Wilderness 7:18:09
26. Bring Rebellion to the Full 7:47:41
27. Chronos No Longer 8:06:34
28. My Beloved Son 8:22:18
29. The Ministry of Reconciliation 8:33:35
30. First Angel's Message 8:48:54
31. Babylon is Fallen 9:06:02
32. A Thankful Heart 9:18:42