Amazing Discoveries in the Channel of Blessing
Posted Aug 08, 2018
by Adrian Ebens
in Third Angel's Message
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This is a summary of the key points of the message we have been studying over the past several years that has brought light to the third angel.
- The relational nature of our value. Our value as defined as children of God not by what we achieve and perform. The Identity Message – Identity Wars.
- The power of fathers to bless their children when their wives give power to their words through their spirit of submission. – Life Matters.
- The curse that falls upon men who rebel against legitimate authority placed in their lives. The 5th commandment applies to pastors and teachers as well as parents. PP 308 – Divine Pattern.
- The Divine Pattern of Father and Son as a pattern for all life.
- The inheritance of the Son of God as a definer of the Father’s Agape.
- Christ is the author of faith from the day He was begotten and received all things by faith. He believed the Father implicitly and rules on the throne of the universe by Faith thus making Him a being of infinite gratitude and love to His Father.
- The Omniscience of the Father that enables risk and thus defines the depth of His love in the completely risked gift of His Son.
- The Divine Pattern relationship between God’s character and power and thus God’s character as the source of all true worship.
- The daily agony of Christ and His ever present Cross of the past 6000 plus years from the fall of Lucifer.
- The church of Philadelphia enters the open door and all pass into the Laodicean experience. Only those who accept their Laodiocean condition and receive the counsel to Laodicea can receive the latter rain.
- The Seventh-day Adventist Church is still the remnant church of God although in apostasy because of the worship of the Trinity and the rejection of the 1888 message of righteousness by faith. God’s people are to confess the sins of its people and plead for its leaders to repent of its idolatry and rejection of the begotten Son of God and His righteousness.
- The joyful reality that the Father is fully revealed in the life of His Son on earth during his 33 years here. Jesus on earth defines in relational terms the expression of the 10 commandments. Christ never killed anyone and therefore God does not kill any person under any circumstances.
- The kingdom of God does not use force: physical, mental or spiritual. Only by love is love awakened. DA 22.
- The 10 commandments are the transcript of God’s character and sin is the transgression of God’s character as revealed in His Son.
- The relational nature of the atonement through the self-sacrificing and self-denying love of God and His Son in paying the penalty for sin that Satan’s counterfeit justice demanded so that we could believe we could be forgiven. The cleansing blood of Christ releases us from our false belief that God can’t forgive us.
- The Divine Pattern relationship between man and the earth causing all the curses of earthquake, tornado and natural disasters. In wearing the Crown of thorns Christ revealed that He is subduing the effects of our rebellion on nature by breathing His gentle and calming Spirit onto the earth thus pictured in the 4 angels holding back the winds of strife.
- The Divine Pattern of the Old and New Covenant. The Old covenant acts as a mirror to our soul, to bring us to repentance that we might receive forgiveness and the gift of the Spirit in the New Covenant. The revelation of the mirror explains many of the Old Testament stories that appear to be attributed to God’s character.
- The Divine Pattern key that unlocks the five points of the pentagon system designed to enslave the human mind seeking salvation in the gospel.
- The truth that the Father and Son judge no man, but the life of Christ has been established forever as a witness of our human destiny and humanity will judge itself according to how it judges God’s character.
- Christ is Lord of the Sabbath and His rest truly is in the bosom of the Father. He rests in His Father and not in Himself. This true rest comes to us through the Spirit of Christ.
- The New Moon and the Feasts are seasons of refreshing filled with the gift of the Spirit of God and will be vital to the sealing process to receive the Father’s name or character.
- The calendar that determines when these seasons come was given in the midnight cry of the seventh month movement in the autumn of 1844 and lights the path all the way to the city.
- The subjects of the Father and Son, the character of God, the nature of judgment and the Sabbath sealing are all connected in the First Angels message.
- The fourth angel’s message would begin when the great building in New York would be thrown down. This was fulfilled at 911 in 2001. Isa 30:25, LS 411,412