Maranatha Media
Published Sep 19, 2023
Pages 40
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Deutsch bahasa Indonesia 國語 Norsk Español

Taking the principles developed by Waggoner and Jones, Fifield weaves together a pure gospel fabric in his presentations. The atonement, the gospel, the ministry of Christ, the character of God, are all beautifully expressed. It is beautiful to read and digest. These sermons are vital for those interested in the Father of love movement. Here is just one example of many where Fifield contrasts the common Christian view of atonement with the Biblical one.

This is the at-one-ment; this is why he bore our griefs and carried our sorrows, that he might do that for us by breaking down all those things which separate hearts from hearts, both human and divine. Notwithstanding this, we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. That was what we thought about it. We said, God is doing all this; God is killing him, punishing him, to satisfy his wrath, in order to let us off. That is the pagan conception of sacrifice. The Christian idea of sacrifice is this. Let us note the contrast. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." That is the Christian idea. Yes, sir. Indifference keeps, hatred keeps, selfishness keeps, or gives, if at all, but grudgingly, counting the cost, and figuring on some larger return at some future time. But love, and love only, sacrifices, gives freely, gives itself, gives without counting the cost; gives because it is love. That is sacrifice, whether it is the sacrifice of bulls and goats, or of him who is the Lamb of God. It is the sacrifice that is revealed throughout the entire Bible. But the pagan idea of sacrifice is just the opposite. It is that some god is always offended, always angry, and his wrath must be propitiated in some way.