2020 Present Truth
The present truth is represented as a young woman about to give birth to the seed of the Messiah. The dragon assails her, but her husband watches over her with such tender care as she prepares for the delivery of the seed that she so longingly desires to be manifested. The followers of present truth will soon head into the dark night of the world’s present crisis but in that trial of her faith and in learning to not resist evil in the flesh, she will be prepared for the mighty rushing wind that will lighten the earth with the glory or character of the Lord. Listen to what the Spirit of Jesus now says to His church. Make your calling and election sure. Study to show yourself approved. Walk with your Saviour in truth and Love.
2021 Passover Widgee Sermon Transcripts
Sermon Transcripts from Pr Adrian Ebens during Passover 2021 in Widgee
2021 Tabernacles - Fernvale
Pr Adrian Ebens Presentation Transcripts for the 2021 Tabernacles camp meeting at Fernvale
2022 Passover Fernvale
Sermon Transcripts from Adrian Ebens at 2022 Passover Fernvale
Abomination Anti-Venom
It requires a true understanding of the gospel to unmask the abomination that makes desolate.
Atonement Demands of the Law and Divine Retribution
What does God demand in the Atonement?
By the Word of the Lord
Not a sigh is breathed, not a pain felt, not a grief pierces the soul, but the throb vibrates to the Father's heart. {DA 356.2}
Carolyn Hullquist Series
In the summer of 2019, I flew to Georgia to conduct the funeral of our dear sister, Carolyn Hullquist. During our time there, I was invited to conduct a series of meetings.
Those who attended felt the Spirit of God attend us in a special way. The light of present truth was articulated in a way to bring comfort to our hearts during this time of sadness and loss. Especially themes related to the subject of the Divine Pattern.
I pray you find the treasure in these pages that we experienced at that time. May you be blessed with the certainty of the love of the Father and His only begotten Son is my prayer.
Adrian Ebens
May 2022
Escaping the Pentagon of Lies Presentation Series
The Escaping the Pentagon of Lies Presentation series was the crystallization of a stream of truth that had been developing since September of 2001. It brought together the key doctrinal framework that enables the soul to escape Satan’s masterpiece of deception designed to destroy Christians seeking eternal life.
Father of Love Series
2018 marks the half way point where many puzzle pieces were beginning to come together. The implications of a loving God who does not use force on His children led them to consider whether God actually condemns people. They also were challenged for how this new light sits within the framework of the Third Angel’s message.
Garden Fall
Why were Adam and Eve Afraid when God came to them in the Garden? What changed their perception of God?
Why did Adam call his wife’s name Eve? The Greek Equivalent to this was life or life source. Does this signify a transfer of allegiance?
Why did God drive them out of the garden? Why was this necessary?
God's Judgments - By Action or Permission
Are stories in the Bible that attribute violent action to God by His direction action or by His permission?
Gospel in the Covenants
Thus the covenant from Sinai brought them to the covenant with Abraham. The first brought them to the second covenant. The old covenant brought them to the new covenant. And thus the law, which was the basis of that covenant, —the broken law, —was the schoolmaster to bring them to Christ, that they might be justified by faith. A.T. Jones RH July 17, 1900
I am Apollo
As Maatan looked up towards the form of Apollo, the light of the moon revealed more clearly the fact of this august being. In complete anguish and horror, Maatan saw his own face imprinted upon the form of Apollo.
Identity Wars - Search for Home
This series brings the core of the Third Angel’s message to this theme and invites all of us as individuals to appreciate the sacredness of the family unit and the show that the church is built upon family relationships
Identity Wars Revival Series
Identity Wars Revival Series Sermon Transcripts 2006.
Indignation Versus Spikenard
The connection between the Daily, the Transgression of Desolation and the story of Mary wiping Jesus feet
Message Sequence
Foundation Framework in the Father of Love Message
Moses and the Slaughter of the Midianites
And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the LORD of Midian. Numbers 31:3
This is a tough story to read. It challenges our senses, if we let it.
And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:15-18
This begs the question. Does this represent God’s justice and vengeance? This presentation seeks to align this story with the command of Jesus to love your enemies and do good to them.
Mystery of the Cross
Mystery of the Cross. Do we truly understand it?
Pentagon Mechanics
This series of presentations by Pastor Adrian Ebens provides a good snapshot of the elements of present truth built upon Identity Wars Themes and the Divine Pattern. It explores the implications of the present hour, our relationship to the Judgment and details of the Pentagon system and how we escape from it.
Revelation 18 Light on the Judgment
This is Revelation 18, this is history in the making right here in Jasper, Georgia. Why I'm excited about this message is, finally all the pieces are coming together. Finally, it all made sense, I can put everything together and say, “Yes, now I understand, now it makes sense.” The only thing that remains for us to do now is to stop judging one another. But we can't do this ourselves, we can't manufacture this, we can't do it. We can only ask God to fill us with a spirit that does not judge and condemn.
Strait Gate Series
At this gathering in Ocala Florida, the audience was invited to surrender fully to God. An Appeal was given to surrender things of this world that stand between them and the Saviour. Many were impressed to destroy music, books and materials that were holding them in the world. A joyful celebration was had after the items were burned.
This Gospel of the Kingdom
And therefore it is utterly inconceivable that God is willing today to suffer the death of 125,000 unborn infants, the 3000 that died in suicide, the three and a half thousand that were killed in car accidents today, the thousands and thousands of people that died of drug overdoses today, and all the agony and the associated agony that went with it. He endured all of this today, in order that you might have another day to live and to give your heart to Christ and to yield yourself fully to Him in order that Christ may be formed in you the hope of glory.
What is the Cross?
The true of Cross of Christ and His suffering throughout human history is obscured by the teaching of Christianity as to what the Cross actually is.
Why Have You Forsaken Me
When Jesus said "Why have you forsaken me?" Was He speaking to God or for God?
Yehovah Versus Chronos
This booklet touches on the war between Yehovah and Chronos and how Satan has usurped the true God of Scripture through the principles of Chronos to destroy the Begotten Son. But Paul tells us that Jesus Christ was before Chronos Aeon. 2 Tim 1:9
Your Way is in The Sanctuary
Learning vital lessons about the plan of Salvation through the Sanctuary System