Maranatha Media
Author Adrian Ebens
Narrator Adrian Ebens
Published Sep 29, 2024
Pages 36
Downloads 16
Audio Downloads 10
Total Downloads 26

Many years ago I read a statement from the Spirit of Prophecy that stopped me in my tracks

The scene of trial with Christ in the wilderness was the foundation of the plan of salvation, and gives to fallen man the key whereby he, in Christ’s name, may overcome. (Confrontation, 63.2)

Why is the scene of trial in the wilderness the foundation of the plan of salvation? It is the place where Christ overcame Satan’s attacks about whether He was the Son of God. But His victory was not simply for Himself but for us also.

The voice which spoke to Jesus says to every believing soul, This is My beloved child, in whom I am well pleased. (The Desire of Ages, 113.1)

Jesus shows us the path to victory, claiming our sonship and at the same time surrendering our false identity in this world which has caused us to sin against our Father.

We are accepted in the beloved. Eph 1:6. The Father loves us as He loves His Son. John 17:23. This is the key to the kingdom.