Maranatha Media
$25.00 AUD
Author Adrian Ebens
Published Aug 01, 2012
Written Aug 01, 2007
Last Updated Aug 01, 2019
Pages 466
Downloads 11,917

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Jesus told us when He was here on earth:

Matthew 7:13-14  Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:  (14)  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

This is one text in the Bible that I wish were not truth. I desire for all men to know the love, joy and blessing of the gospel. In this volume I have laid out my reasons for the truth of the true begotten Son and why He is so important for the family unit and the nourishing of the Church.

I have significantly reduced the appendices in the back of the book as these have been better covered in other volumes which I refer to. In their place I have included the response of the Adventist Church to this volume and the aftermath.

Although this volume cost me my career and membership in the Adventist Church I have no regrets. What I have gained far outweighs that which I lost. My experience in the church will remain as a testament to my love for the begotten Son and I pray it will remind the church of how it has left its first love as found in the true Son of God.

It is now twelve years to the day since I first wrote this book in manuscript form. It has been a joy to go over its pages again and relive the thrill of discovery I had when I wrote it. I did feel sorrow as I went over the exchange between myself and the church that led to my removal but may the Lord Jesus be glorified in my testimony of Him. May the Spirit of Jesus bless you and guide you as you ponder the implications of this book.

Adrian Ebens

August 1, 2019