Maranatha Media
$7.50 AUD
$8.00 USD
Author Adrian Ebens
Narrator Obadiah Wright
Published Aug 23, 2019
Last Updated May 13, 2020
Pages 64
Downloads 4,754
Audio Downloads 2,461
Total Downloads 7,215


Why was the Cross required 
and who required it? 

Why was the Cross necessary 
for our salvation? 
Was God’s wrath satisfied 
by the death of His Son?
What is God’s justice 
and is it different to our justice?
Why did Jesus compare Himself to
a bronze serpent on a pole? 
What does the Israelite Sanctuary
tell us about the Cross?

Feedback for Cross Examined and Cross Encountered:
Life-Changing Light Shone Upon the Cross of Christ
I felt so moved, yet so challenged
The Badge of Christianity (Cross Examined Review)
Cross Examined Review (When we suffer, He suffers)