Ellen White
Anna Pace
Oct 23, 2017
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Cross Light
We recommend reading this book first if you have not already.
We recommend reading this book first if you have not already.
Desire of Ages
We recommend this book for further reading.
We recommend this book for further reading.
This booklet is a compilation of four articles in the Signs of the Times from 1879 plus the chapter “it is finished” in the Desire of Ages and the final chapter of Great Controversy. As you study through these pages Christ will be presented before you in a much brighter light which will bring the sufferings of our Saviour and His Father intimately closer for the purpose of deepening our understanding of the sinfulness of sin so that we may receive the spirit of repentance from Christ who only knows that Father as the Father knows Him and thus is the only qualified mediator to impart to us a true understanding of the sufferings of the Father. May these pages be food for your soul.