Maranatha Media
Published Aug 05, 2023
Pages 12
Downloads 357

This booklet is the first chapter of the book Father of Love by Kevin J. Mullins

➢   Does God condemn and judge others while commanding us not    to judge but instead to love others unconditionally?   

➢   Does God torture His enemies for eternity in a lake of fire while at the same time commanding us to love our enemies? 

➢   Does God spitefully send plagues and pestilence upon people who choose not to love Him while demanding we pray for health and happiness to fall upon those who do not love us?   

Are we not to live a character like His? 

“Be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.” (Leviticus 19:2) 
“Be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)

The key is understanding how to read the Scriptures. Do you read it through your carnal understanding or through the Spirit of Christ? As the true character of our heavenly Father is revealed through the Spirit of His Son, we begin to see that God is not a blood-thirsty tyrant who is against sinners, but that God and man share a common enemy who seeks to destroy our faith in a non-condemning Father who loves us with all His heart, and with all His soul, and with all His strength.

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