Maranatha Media
Author Adrian Ebens
Published May 26, 2020
Last Updated Apr 14, 2021
Pages 192
Downloads 1,414

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Little did I realise the full implications of perceiving that the Divinity of Jesus was received through His inheritance to the Father. Emerging from the mist of the false assumption that divinity can only be inherent, and that it’s pedigree can only be determined by time going on forever, I found myself standing in a dense dark forest that was suddenly pierced with a bright light.

To understand the equality of Father and Son in relational terms was such a revolutionary and beautiful thought. In this one thought, the entire foundation of worldly kingdoms was shattered in my mind. I could hear the sound of groaning, twisting metal and the superstructure of thought I had inherited collapsed around me and the light burst into my soul.

No words can describe the sense of joy I felt. The beauty of the Father and Son relationship captured me completely and I knelt before them in a flood of tears. In one solitary moment I was delivered from the matrix of Babylon and stepped into the kingdom of light. Truly the Son of God is the way, the truth and the life of the Father.