Maranatha Media
$2.50 AUD
Author Evelyn Ebens
Published Nov 30, 2020
Pages 36
Downloads 750

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Deutsch 國語 Kiswahili

When Evelyn’s mother determined to attend the Methodist church, conflict erupted in the home. Despite strong persecution, Evelyn followed her mother from Methodism to Adventism. Through a series of miraculous events she grew in her faith in God and to just the right man to keep her laughing when tempted to feel discouraged and down.

She taught her children the Bible stories and would take them into nature on Sabbaths to teach them of the Creator. She was taught as a young Adventist that the Trinity was a Catholic doctrine. Both she and her husband Abel, never heard this term used in the church before 1980.

After a long search the seeds she planted in her children came back to her and she was helped to discover the message of present truth.