Maranatha Media
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Published Mar 14, 2019
Last Updated Sep 30, 2024
Pages 56
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For those who believe in God it is almost universally reasoned that the only way to end sin is the stop the wicked dead in their tracks by bringing down a fiery stream fury from the heart of God to burn up the wicked and bring them to an end.

It is often thought that the wicked are not simply going to destroy themselves and that if God is a God of justice He will punish transgressors and reward them for their evil according to their deeds by directly putting them into flames and burning them alive Himself. Would a loving God do this to His children? Would you burn your wayward children alive in flames and watch them scream in agony?

Some people say that the only way to eradicate a cancer is to cut it out. The problem with this analogy is that you cut cancer out of a single person, the object is to save life not to destroy it. Some people say the wicked are like a dog with Rabies and the dog needs to be put to sleep. Do you then take the dog and slowly burn it on a fire for several days while it screams and howls in agony while the righteous cry – just a little more because you deserve it because of your wickedness? Is this really what is going to take place at the end?

“Those who reject the mercy so freely proffered, will yet be made to know the worth of that which they have despised. They will feel the agony which Christ endured upon the cross to purchase redemption for all who would receive it. And they will then realize what they have lost—eternal life and the immortal inheritance.” RH Sept. 4, 1883

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Isa 53:4