2016 Passover - Widgee AU
Maranatha Media passover in Widgee Queensland 2016
Presented: Apr 22, 2016 - Apr 30, 2016
Bible Study session at Passover 2016. Looks at how to approach Daniel and Revelation, dealing with the ending of Prophetic time and also the repeating of history.
Presented Friday April 22 at 10:00am
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
Passover 2016 - Widgee.
Friday 11:30am Session
Craig presents some dimensions on the cross of Christ from the foundation of the world.
Presenter: Craig Jacobson
We have set times for work rest and play. Our Father in heaven has set or appointed times for refreshing. What is that refreshing? Hearing in the Spirit, you are my beloved child in whom I delight. We can know this every day and when we become part of the woman who stands on the moon then we can know the times and season when the gates of the heavenly sanctuary open in abundance for this Spirit of grace to be poured upon us.
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
Trevor Russell shares part of his journey in discovering the character of God as a loving non-violent Father.
Presented Sabbath Evening April 23.
Presenter: Trevor Russell
Jeff Wilson explores some thoughts on the character of God in the book of Revelation.
Passover 2016
Widgee QLD Australia
Presenter: Jeff Wilson
The most comprehensive presentation on the Divine Pattern and it's implications to date.
The way we read the Bible depends on the God we serve, not the theory of the God we serve.
If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? Ps 11:4
For more on this see:
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
The Father and Son Relationship is the key to success and prosperous marriage and family. As we come to know then better we will be more and more blessed.
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
The Father and Son Relationship holds the key to understanding many aspects of the Christian Life. This presentation continues to explore those aspects.
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
What are the Covenants in Scripture?
Gal 4:22-24 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. (23) But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. (24) Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.
The two covenants are revealed in the life of Abraham. The Old Covenants are promises TO God and the New Covenants is promises BY God.
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
Passover 2016
Beware of books movies and games that allow the enemy to come into your home.
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
How can Christ die for us? Can a person die for another person?
Passover 2016
April 28, 11:00am session
What does the family structure of Abraham have to do with the Gospel?
Friday April 29
Passover 2016
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
The glorious work of the Father through His Son.
Friday April 29, 11am
Passover 2016
Presenter: Craig Jacobson
Hear the amazing journey of Lester into the joy of the Father and His Son
Friday April 29, 2pm
Passover 2016
Presenter: Lester Lewis
A very special time of fellowship and joy in the Spirit of Christ. Our time was filled with prayer, singing and joy as we took part in communion
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
It does not matter how much we know, in order to flourish and grow we need a safe family church environment where people are safe to be open. We need a place to feel at home.
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
Final Sabbath of Passover 2016
What a wonderful climax to a wonderful week!
Presenter: Adrian Ebens