Maranatha Media
$12.00 AUD
Author Adrian Ebens
Narrator Adrian Ebens
Published Feb 02, 2012
Written Oct 02, 2011
Pages 152
Downloads 13,725
Audio Downloads 1,298
Total Downloads 15,023

 Updated May 27, 2019. Previous edition released 2011

The divine pattern touches every aspect of our lives and holds the key to joy, peace, and harmony within our marriages, communities, churches and all social structures within our world.

In the relationship between God and His Son, we behold the key to this divine pattern. The more and more we behold them, love them, and pattern our lives after them, the more receptive we become to their channel of blessing in our lives.

Before this world began, Satan and his angels moved to obscure this divine pattern and replace it with a counterfeit that would break the circuit of God’s boundless love and bring untold misery to the world.

Uncover this deceptive counterfeit and see in the great original divine pattern the key from returning our church to the worship of God and His Son.