Three Angels Messages

The Three Angel's messages of Revelation 14 are given in the last days for every nation and tribe and people. It offers us righteousness of Christ freely that we might stand in the judgement. All we need to do is recognise our great need.
Presented: Oct 15, 2013 - Jul 06, 2014
Adrian Ebens relates Peter's ladder, the Song of Solomon, and the 7 churches of Revelation to the First Angel's message of Revelation 14
Adrian Ebens speaks on the lessons of the cross in type and antitype and how they reveal the true character of God in saying "Goodbye" to those He loves.
Why the Begotten Son is the heart of the Third Angel's message of Justification by Faith.
Presenter: Adrian Ebens
The Sabbath gives to us a special blessing of the Spirit of Christ that makes the Sabbath the sign or miracle of our sealing.
In the final conflict there can be no sealing without the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the special channel by which the Spirit is given. We can receive a blessing of the Spirit every day but there is a special vital blessing of the Spirit on the Sabbath day.
Sermon Notes
Presenter: Adrian Ebens