Maranatha Media
Author Adrian Ebens
Published Feb 11, 2025
Pages 108
Downloads 74

In this series of presentations, I turned my mind to the joy of the Father of Love message and enumerated a number of its foundational principles as a way of reminding myself of what a privilege it is to know this truth.

My reason for doing with was partly to do with the fact that I had passed through quite a severe conflict 6 months earlier. Such was the conflict that I was tempted to “give up” whatever that means. But as I meditated on this Character of the Father and the risk He took in giving us His Son, I was strengthened and encouraged to press forward.

The final presentation indicates some of the crisis that I passed through without giving details. The reaction to the presentations were very positive and generated quite some healing in our community of faith. While some of our beloved friends remain alienated from us, we hold onto to our dear Saviour and pray for them and their salvation.

The first presentation is most precious dealing with t he gratitude principle that comes with knowing the truth. The second presentation applies the principle of gratitude to helping us navigate the final crisis. I then provide a spiritual framework for the feasts which leads naturally into a discussion on the Divine Pattern.

It has been a real joy to go over these transcripts. I hope you are blessed in reading them.