Maranatha Media
Author Adrian Ebens
Published Dec 24, 2020
Pages 257
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After conducting several meetings traveling from Brisbane to Perth, my wife, son, and I travelled to South Africa for the Feast of Tabernacles and other meetings. We had a tremendously blessed time but by the time we came home we were informed we had to shift house from our rental house at the time. After completing the move to our new home my father suddenly fell very sick with a life-threatening condition. He was in hospital for several weeks. After all these events I was exhausted.  

With my father stable after his operation, I prayerfully pressed forward to my next task. As I caught to train to the airport, I felt completely flat. I was travelling to Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel near Atlanta, USA for important meetings that would greatly affect the future of our message and movement. As I travelled across the Pacific Ocean, I placed myself in the hands of my beloved Saviour and trusted him to give me the strength to do what needed to be done.

Before our Business meetings, I conducted a series of meetings at Talking Rock. The Spirit of God moved in a marvellous way to bring together many key components of the message of Present Truth. It seemed fitting that on the eve of the year 2020 that such a clear expression of the message should be given.

With hindsight, it was also providential to gather together this sequence of presentations just before the Coronavirus hit the world.

As I have gone over these presentations, I have been greatly blessed. The gems of truth it contains, the dove tailing together of many points, the crescendo of the final presentation with regard to the sufferings of Christ delivered at the time of the new moon Sabbath on December 28, has left me in tears as I reflect on the content and its implications to me not to resist evil in the way I have done my whole life.

The present truth is represented as a young woman about to give birth to the seed of the Messiah. The dragon assails her but her husband watches over her with such tender care as she prepares for the delivery of the seed that she so longingly desires to be manifested. The followers of present truth will soon head into the dark night of the world’s present crisis but in that trial of her faith and in learning to not resist evil in the flesh, she will be prepared for the mighty rushing wind that will lighten the earth with the glory or character of the Lord. Listen to what the Spirit of Jesus now says to His church. Make your calling and election sure. Study to show yourself approved. Walk with your Saviour in truth and Love.

May you be blessed as you read these sermons. May it stir your soul with faith, hope and love for our wonderful Father and His beautiful Son. To them be glory and honour forever and ever. Amen