Maranatha Media

A Little Taste of Heaven - Passover 2016 Report

Posted May 22, 2016 by Hania Bialkowska in Events
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A gift of a little taste of Heaven could sum up my experience of the camp we had at Widgee from April 22-30 where one could tangibly feel the Spirit of our Father and feel "at home".

We became "family" with fellow believers, many of whom I had met for the first time. This truly was not a theory or a passing whim, but a tangible expression of the grace empowered by the blessings and inspired talks. I have never experienced before the security and presence of Father's Spirit to such a degree..a place where we were learning to share our heart without being judged. A TRUE PLACE OF SAFETY. Daily the insights and understandings of the talks and discussions generated were powerfully removing the leaven of our discernment and understandings of the character of God.

I was thunderously learning unless we have a SAFE(ie no fear) family environment, no matter how much knowledge, we cannot be nurtured and be TRUE TO OURSELVES (no guile!).
For the first time, I had an insight into what it means to be on the narrow path lit up by the midnight cry. It was an insight of the blue print of how we are meant to be moving more deeply in the Spirit of  our Lord and Saviour  to receive the latter rain, the great blessing of  SONSHIP from our Almighty Father!

It was a community of faith, coming together in the faith of receiving a blessing at Father's appointed time where there was a life changing, faith changing, soul changing experience - a deepening relationship with Father and Son and consequently strengthening our relationship with each other..The accompanying gratitude and love preparing us to be more surrendered channels for the supreme Channel, our Brother, our Saviour and friend..the only begotten Son of God. Halleluyah!!

At one point after we had all had gathered in the sanctuary to prepare for the beginning of another talk, a heavy downpour of rain suddenly came thundering on the tin roof and we couldn't hear ourselves talk. The moment we slipped to our knees and began to pray it stopped just as suddenly as it began. It felt like the rain came uplifting our spirits as a symbol of the blessing from our Father!

I cannot express how grateful I am for the way Father is using Adrian and all the elders and their wives to create a faithful supportive foundation to hasten our Lord Jesus' coming. I saw Father's Spirit working through you all as we received His blessings in the appointed time.
       Your sister in Christ



See also:

Time of Refreshing - Passover Report