Maranatha Media

A Psalm of praise to our Father and His Son

Posted Aug 19, 2020 by Adrian Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
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Dear Father in heaven, deep in my soul I cry out to you in gratitude for the mercy and beauty of your loving character. I can't stop thinking about how lovely you are and how much you have done to reach down to our rebellious and wretched human race. You have carried us for 6000 years with astounding patience and forbearance that I can't comprehend. So deep is your love, so vast is your grace. I have to speak about it, I can't contain it. I have to write about it, think about. It consumes all my thoughts, it walks with me every day now. The things of this world are meaningless and do not attract me like they did before.

I long to dwell always in your presence, I pray to be faithful to you and walk in all your loving commands that are only for my best good. I love and honour your precious Sabbath and your feasts that revive the soul and assure me of your never failing love. You are worthy of glory and honour and praise forever and forever and I will sing your praises always and forever. You have given freely to me the Spirit of your begotten Son, that loves you with such an intense and perfect love. I am honoured to receive it. What price could I place upon it, it is beyond measure.

Blessed Lord Jesus you are my treasured joy, the Father has ordained that we will live together forever and I am eager and overjoyed at the thought of it. Your Spirit is my greatest desire, your love is my constant theme. It gives me comfort and courage in the face of this looming crisis. Above the anger and violence and threat of harm, your tender hand guides me and comforts my soul. I am not afraid when I am with you. I feel secure and I trust you will walk with me all the way through this shadow of death to the other side.

I just had to tell you how much I love you, I testify to my friends and the world that you are altogether lovely. It flows out of my soul. I can't contain it.

I know you will triumph over your enemies. I know Father that you will make your son's enemies His footstool. May they know how truly beautiful you are. Grant us strength to shine like lights in a dark place that all the world will know that we know you - we really do know you and you will seal us with your Spirit forever and we will never wander from you again but live happily at your side forever and ever. Even so let it me, In Jesus name, Amen