Maranatha Media

A Spirit of Helpfulness

Posted Jul 01, 2010 by Michael in Devotional - Blog
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(Written Aged 13)

A couple of days ago, there were a few more problems in my life (However, I still have about as many problems as the stars I can see, ha ha!), I was getting more precious with my time and therefore was losing the willingness to be of help to my parents.

Because my time was getting more precious (I have quite a bit I need to do, and an innumerable amount of things I want to do), I was getting more and more pressured to do something when I had some free time. Unfortunately this meant I would spend precious segments of my time just sitting going through my task list and brainstorming, thinking about what to do; I had so much to do, but should I do now? This was a little straining and I thought I was losing my happy life to a massive list of things I want to do.

Wednesday night I had time to do some thinking. I realised I seriously needed to do something about this situation. I decided I was going to change, and be more easy going with my time and try to be more helpful for my parents. I prayed about it when I was going to bed and then drifted off into sleep...

Just in time! The Lord was very merciful to bring about this change at the time it happened; the next day things were not good. Dad was feeling very sick, Mum had a terrible headache, and Daniel wasn't feeling well either (I won't go into the detail about all of that stuff); I was the only one who feeling good. Well, that left me with a lot of the household work, and normally I would have been moody and angry that I was losing time; but with my new helpful spirit given to me by Jesus I was determined to be happy and do the job willingly.

As the day went on I felt more and more blessed, the channel of blessing was opening up to me more than it had because of my helpful spirit! Now if we had left it at that, I would have still had a great day, but it gets better! I felt like I was actually doing more than I had previously, either because I actually was doing more (because of being awarded with a clearer mind), or because I wasn't pressuring myself to do too much. I must say, it was pretty funny (and not funny at the same time) looking around and seeing Mum, Dad and Daniel all lying down on couches and chairs looking sick as ever, and me smiling, talking and active.

Today had more in store than Thursay, because it was Friday (preparation day), Dad was sick and Mum had to go out to get some much needed food. This left me with the bulk of the work, oh dear! But, with this new helpful spirit given to me I was able to do it willingly and man did I feel blessed. I also realised a little of how much of a load Mum has been bearing all this time, how good she is at multitasking and all that (it's not easy cooking 4 different things at once, at least for me). So big thanks to Mum!

In closing, praises to God for helping me to find a helpful spirit just in time; for if it I had a less helpful spirit as before, I'm not sure what would have happened. And not to mention, I just feel plain blessed!