Maranatha Media

A Testimony of our Father's blessings

Posted Oct 30, 2019 by Penny Kotze in Testimonies and Stories
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What a privilege to be baptised by Pastor Adrian on Sabbath the 5th October 2019 at the House of Bester and Nina Snyman, where we come together for Home Church, here in Empangeni, South Africa.

Double joy was being able to go to Feast of Tabernacles in the Cape, and experience double Blessings as my Father in heaven spoke to me and answered prays.

Here is a poem that I wrote the night after Sabbath Closing about my baptism:


My Baptism

Penny Kotze



My heart is so full I can hardly speak,

I have joy and peace, and tears on my cheek.

I have God as my Father, and the love of His Son

I surrender all to Him, as the battle is won.

I have gone through the waters, and emerged someone new

God has given me glassed with a totally different view.

No judgement, no condemnation, only mercy and love,

And this flows through the Son from my Father above.

Thank you, my Saviour, who keeps evil at bay,

For all of the memories I have made today.


I was on a downward spiral going in the wrong direction, and God came and found me where I was, and called me to this message.  I cannot say thank you enough to Nina, my friend and sister in Christ for never giving up on me, and always extending a warm hand of invitation.

Thank you to Pastor Adrian for coming to South Africa to give us those amazing messages at Camp meeting, and for going down into the waters with me.

Thank you all for welcoming me into this family without judgement and condemnation.  See you all on the Sea of Glass before the throne of our Loving Heavenly Father, if not before.