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Abraham and Adventism – A Parallel part 2

Posted May 29, 2012 by Adrian Ebens in Adventist Church
2,814 Hits

I was just having some lunch when these thoughts came to me and so I had to get them down and into an article so that I would not lose them. It will need more work but I just wanted to get the key points. (If you are wondering about Part 1. Here it is.)

Abraham and Sarah

Christ and Adventism

1. Abram takes Sarai out of Babylon. Gen 11:31; Gen 12:1

1. Christ takes Adventism out of Babylon

2. Sarai is not able to bear Abram’s seed. Gen 15:2

2. Adventism is not able to bear Christ’s seed in 1888

3. Sarai urges Abram to take Hagar in order to produce children and become a great multitude. Gen 16:1-3  

3. Adventism urges Christ to accept evangelical Protestantism via Questions on Doctrine episode so that it could become a great multitude.

4. Hagar produces a seed for Abram. Hagar despises Sarah. Gen 16:4

4. Evangelical Adventism produces a seed and the church grows rapidily. Evangelical Adventism despises Pioneer Adventism

5. God changes the names of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah. They are both beyond any capability of producing seed

5. God raises a new generation who hold the faith of their fathers yet Pioneer Adventism is completely overrun by Evangelical Adventism to the point where it appears impossible for her to produce the Seed.

6. Abraham pleads for his kindred who is enslaved to Sodom.

6. Christ pleads for His kindred who are enslaved to Babylon

7. Sarah produces the seed.

7. Pioneer Adventism produces the Seed under the power of the 4th angel

Elements of this sequence can be found in the story of Elkanah and Hannah. Hannah was the first wife who could not bear. The second wife bore children and claimed the inheritance. Hannah goes into the Sanctuary and through Eli receives the promise of the Seed.

These thoughts have plenty of roon for expansion. I pray that it may stimulate further study