Maranatha Media

An Opportunity to Share

Posted Mar 17, 2012 by Adrian Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
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As I have been pondering the wonderful gift our Father has given us in Christ, I was impressed to ask my Father in prayer for the opportunity to witness to the love of Christ during the Sabbath.

After morning worship, we as a family visited some nearby lakes where there are many types of birds. As we walked in the stillness, under a perfectly clear sky, my heart was lifted in praise to our wonderful Creator God. I watched as the sunlight danced on the water blown by the cool breeze. It was a joy to be reminded that our Father is a lover of beautiful things.

Further on our walk we saw some eagles, and pelicans gliding skillfully through the heavens as swans moved gracefully upon the waters below. I could think of no better place to be with my precious family. My heart was full of praise for all God's wonderful gifts.

After lunch, I spent some time listening to a sermon presentation and reflecting on the Word of God. I then felt impressed to spend some time in prayer, praying for our church leaders and our church, pleading that mercy would be granted to us as His people and that we would be granted repentance to turn back to the truth of God and His Son.

Just now as I was studying again in the Word of God, four young people came to the door collecting funds for a charity cause. Seeing their smiling faces and willing hearts, I wanted to bless them. As I went to collect a donation for them, I was impressed to give them a copy of the little book Identity Wars. They received it graciously and seemed curious. I told them it dealt with issues of self worth and that seemed to connect with them. We then said goodbye and I called Lorelle and we knelt and asked our Father to send His Spirit to bless them.

My heart was filled with joy, for my prayer was answered! Our Father send four precious young people to my front door so I could give them a litle book about God and is Son and their love for us.

As you read this, if you could send up a little prayer for these four precious young people. What a joy to have this answer to prayer. May we all be granted little opportunities to share with others through praying and asking for doors to open for us.