Maranatha Media

Be Not Afraid - My Testimony

Posted Jul 30, 2013 by Cristina Mendoza in Worship of True God
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My name is Mirza Pitre. I want to share my testimony to strengthen those who are going through the same things I went through.

I was born in New Jersey to SDA parents. I'm a second generation raised SDA. 

At the age of 30 I donated one of my kidneys to my older brother who was born with one kidney.  At the time I didn't plan to ever get married. But at the age of 35 I decided to get married to my husband Robert Caraballo, an SDA.

Our church was made up of  young people who spoke mostly  English as young people tend to do. The name of our church was Pioneer SDA Church. The main church was a big church of two floors. The Spanish parents were upstairs where the sanctuary was, and the young people downstairs. Two Jamaican couples came to visit our church. And we invited them for lunch in our home. They began to share with us the non-trinitarian doctrine. We, along with my twin sister Enid Mejias and her husband Juan. 

I love E.G White and loved to read her writings. I have all her books in my library. And they shared the truth about the Holy Spirit which was my weakest point.   

The studies started to become a regular Sabbath and all night session with my mom and a dear faithful friend, Andres Morales. We prayed so that Jesus would reveal and confirm the truth. We all accepted the truth about God and his Son. 

My husband being an Elder of the church loved to preach about righteousness by faith. He had calloused knees from praying on his knees and I would often find him asleep still on his knees reclined on the floor against the couch. After accepting the truth about God and His literal Son my husband started preaching the Pioneer view and non- trinity truth. 

My twin sister and I were Sabbath School leaders and would read direct quotes from EGW against the trinity. The congregation soon noticed and didn't accept what my husband Robert was preaching, even though it was all Bible text and E.G. White quotes. 

We were summoned to come upstairs for our Pastor had brought the Conference leaders to speak to us. We were told we would be able to present our beliefs. We came prepared along with our Jamaican friends. Our friend Andres had brought along a video camera to record it all. As soon as they saw our video camera they said no to the recording. The church was packed and it looked like a jury. They spoke first defending the trinity. Not once were we allowed to ask questions or rebuttal. They did not allowed us to speak or defend our position to the congregation.

The next day we were told we would be censured, and told not to speak to anyone. But my husband continued to speak to anyone who would listen. Finally we were disfellowshipped from the church and asked to sign some papers but we refused. So five of us left the church. My husband went to different churches to preach this truth we had learned. We were on fire and wanted everyone to know what we knew. But as soon as the SDA church found out what Robert was doing they warned all the SDA churches not to accept Him in their congregations.

Eventually through our friends we went to a camp meeting in Smyrna, West Virginia. There we met Pastor Allen Stump, Lynnford Beachy, and David Clayton. We all  decided to be baptized in the name of Jesus. My mom also went with us and my twin sister, her husband, and their son, along with our faithful friend Andres Morales who had accepted the truth and was disfellowshipped also. He was a 35 year old vegetarian, a very loyal and faithful friend who later died of a heart attack. 

Eventually my husband decided to move to Puerto Rico and we bought a house with three acres in which my twin sister also built her home.

We arrived in PR in 2000. And Robert rented air time in a radio station for a weekly 1/2 hour time limit. Our friends in N.J. helped with funds. We were able to preach the Advent truth on the non- trinity and all our doctrines. We offered free material to anyone who would called in. Again we were attacked by the SDA Church calling us heretics and troublemakers. We were able to translate books and literature from English to Spanish. Also, we had accepted YAHWEH feasts with a book we received in the mail from Bible Explorations and Lightedway Ministries.

While living in PR my house burned halfway down and this was another great trial for me to bear. My congregation of Messianics came to my rescue and helped me to clean all that was destroyed by the fire. Friends of the SDA Church and family helped with funds, and the mayor of the town gave me materials to rebuild my house again. At the same time I had a knee transplant so it was a big ordeal for me. My mom helped me since she too lives in PR not too far from me. This was the greatest trial for me but I thank God I never lost hope.

To make the story short my husband died at the age of 50 with colon cancer in  Dec 17, 2012. Now, I'm a widow with a 16 year old daughter trying to fight the good fight. I'm not alone for YAHWEH is with me. I encourage everyone to study this truth. Not too many want to accept it but it is the truth about God that our enemy does not want everyone to know. For when we know this truth that YAHWEH gave His only begotten Son to truly die for us we shall love Him for His mercy. So please, I plead with all who read this, to continue to fight the good fight and do not be afraid what men may say for our God is an Almighty God with His eyes always upon us. Blessed be YAHWEH and His Son Yahshua.