Maranatha Media

Before I Called, He Answered!

Posted Jun 05, 2010 by Lorelle Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
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Isa 65:24  And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Driving home from shopping 2 days ago, in our 4WD LandCruiser, I was pulled over by the police for a random breath test - no problem there.  The officers have a quick look over the vehicle as well - no flat tyres or other problems obvious!  On my way again!

A few minutes later, along a country road, I thought the road seemed a bit bumpy.  Then I realised it was not the road, but my wheel.  I spotted a safe place to pull over, when there was the sound of a loud explosion - and yes it came from one of my back tyres!  A bit scary! And yes the usual female reaction is to scream! (Thankfully this safe spot was opposite a house).

On inspection - the back tyre was shredded.  Now what to do.  With my 11 year old autistic son in the passenger seat screaming and crying.  (He doesn't cope too well when things don't go the way they should!  He would stop screaming if I would just hop back in and we drive on home.  But sorry that was not possible.) And I really did need help to jack the vehicle up, change the wheel over.  I don't think I could do that by myself.

I rang Adrian, to see if our NRMA (road-side assist) membership covered this vehicle - but no we only got the cover for our car!  But I was not in the car, that was with Adrian in a different state - about 800km / 500 miles north!

The possiblity of leaving the vehicle and walking to the next town to get help, with my son screaming all the way - would have been 'one bad half hour.'

I didn't have to wait long for an answer - I hadn't even yet prayed for God to help me - and I was still on the phone to Adrian - when a man came from the house nearby asking if I needed help.  His daughter had been in the front yard, and had been startled by the explosion.

The man brought over a hydraulic jack, and without too much trouble had the spare wheel on for me.  His daughter said she wanted to be a "Special Education teacher".  With Daniel's screaming all the while, I asked her: "This doesn't change your mind?"  She was not phased - she said she loved these kids.

How good is God - providing help straight away, and with people that had a heart of love for kids with special needs.

When I was thanking the man - there was the sound of thunder from an approaching storm but God gave a beautiful rainbow, as if a thank-you to the man for me.  Only minutes after we started up again it was teeming with rain.  God's timing is good!

Praise God for His love and mercy!