Maranatha Media

Blessings from Amicalola Falls Campmeeting

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It is with great pleasure to report to my brethren world wide that the recent campmeeting blessed all who were there.  The Spirit of our Father and Saviour brought unity and love as evidenced by all the smiles on everybody's faces; indeed "Faces Lighted Up".   The messages highlighted more truth of our Father and His Son and the beauty of Christ our Righteousness.  More and more I am seeing this message is to go to the world.     

Lorelle shared with us the inheritance factor that indeed comes from the Son's inheritance from His Father and then He, the Son, freely gives His inheritance to the true seed of Abraham, truly  beautiful presentations.   I believe that all the speakers, Imad, Jeffrey, Lynnford, Lorelle, Elder John and Nader were being led by the Holy Spirit. I would like to take this time and ask everyone to take the time to watch Nader's closing presentation, "The Power of The Resurrection", what a beautiful message that our Lord shared with us through brother Nader.   

Another great aspect of this campmeeting was the sharing time in personal testimonies.  It is always wonderful to hear one's own personal relationship and experience with our Lord's Spirit in coming to this wonderful truth.  Also the scheduled workshops in study and discussions were a great blessing as well.  I learned many things about what is happening in our church and how hard it is to get people interested in studying these things, but at the same time hearing how God is moving upon the hearts of those who chose to study, leading them and opening the way for them to be there at this campmeeting.  

The natural surroundings of the Lodge in the mountains with the view, trees  and flowers was a natural setting for studying God's Word.  This setting obviously testified of a wonderful and loving Creator.  One night, late at night, I went outside the Lodge away from the lights and looked up into the heavens, just like king David would do on top of the palace roof, and realized the awesome power and greatness of our Father in Heaven.  The setting was perfect and rightly represented the subject of our studies.

I want  to thank all of those who had a hand in arranging and allowing this campmeeting to take place.  There are many names involved and even those behind the scenes I share my gratitude.

For those of us who have no place to meet, these campmeetings are a great blessing and I look forward to them, the sermons, the workshops, the discussions and the fellowship.

God Bless all my Brethren throughout the world.

Dennis and Alora Weaver