Maranatha Media

Cast all your care upon Him.

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I had to have surgery for a prolapse repair and as my uterus was dropping as well; I had the choice to have the uterus removed in the form of a hysterectomy, this would avoid having the extra operation two years later. I asked the gynaecologist if I could have the ovaries removed as well. I had bowel surgery last September as I was diagnosed with cancer of the bowel and I wanted to be free from any recurrence of cancer in any other parts of my body. So I thought I would have removed, what I could do without. The gyno said she did not feel she would remove the ovaries at this stage so I agreed to go with her recommendation. When I got home I prayed about this as I was still not sure. I was impressed to put out a fleece [which I have learnt, if you put out a fleece you have to go with it all the way and trust what the Lord gives as an outcome).

My fleece was that if the Lord wanted me to have the ovaries removed he would put it into the mind of the gyno to ask me any time beforehand or even on the day prior to surgery if I had changed my mind or had any further thought;s I would then go ahead and have them removed but if nothing was mentioned I would just go ahead as planned. The Lord knows our bodies, He made them so He knows what the best choice for me would be.

On the day of the surgery I was waiting to go into surgery and the gyno came into my room and said that she was troubled about what to do and had consulted others about what to do in this instance and whether to remove my ovaries. She was encouraged to do so and had decided if I approved she would go ahead and do so. She had also gotten the cancer specialist's agreement to assist should there be a complication. This was a direct answer to my fleece and prayer. The ovaries and uterus were removed and repair work was completed.

Praise God for answered prayer and a very good outcome. I have had minimal pain and feel that all that can be done has been done. God does care for us and hears us when we pray.

So if you are facing a difficulty in your life, know that the Lord cares for you and will hear you when you call and we can cast our care on Him.