Maranatha Media


Posted Nov 04, 2022 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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A precious thought came to me this morning from when I was a small boy. I was seated with my parents and sister watching the Sound of Music video. We came to the part where Captain Von trapp sang the song Edelweiss. My father was singing along with the song and then his voice caught. I turned a looked into my father's face to see tears in his eyes and I was surprised as I had no context for his tears. The song reminded him of his father and his childhood in the Netherlands. His tears revealed the love he felt for his father and this opened to me in such beauty the love of a child for his father. It was the perfect illustration for me - beyond words. Largely because men of his generation rarely cried. Maybe this was the first time I ever saw him cry and his tears washed my soul.

By the law of inheritance, I find this song opens to me a flood of emotion as I think both of my dear earthly father and also my heavenly Father. Through my father's affection for his father, a door was opened to me of the tenderness that should exist between a father and son. Thus it is a hymn in my soul dedicated to a son's love for his father.  

Dear Father in heaven. How precious you have become to me. Your love floods my heart as I ponder the sorrow and suffering you have endured to save this poor human race. I pray one day in the heavenly city to sing this song to you as a token of love I feel for you for all you have done for me and the whole human race. 

With all my mind, heart, soul and strength,
Your son - always through Christ Jesus our Lord