Maranatha Media

Empowering the Third Angel's Message - Newsletter

Posted Mar 10, 2020 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
3,946 Hits

Dear [Contact.First Name],


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2020 is going to be a big year in many ways. We wish to give thanks to our loving Father who has opened many opportunities for us to preach the gospel in many places. Thank you for your prayers and support in sharing this most precious message.


  1. Maranatha Media/TRSC Merger
  2. Weddings
  3. New books – Cross Examined, Comforter, Dominion and Destiny
  4. Outreach Meetings in Young
  5. Passover Widgee, Talking Rock
  6. Pentecost TRSC
  7. TRSC Bible Training Program – June
  8. Adrian, Lorelle and Daniel Travel Itinerary 2020
  9. New Websites and Translation material


1. Maranatha Media/TRSC Merger

In December of last year Craig Jones and I travelled to Talking Rock to Join Daniel Bernhardt, Gary Hullquist and Sharyn Petryczanko for planning for the organisation and advancement of the beautiful message of our Loving Father and His Son, their merciful and loving character and their wonderful appointments that call their children to worship and rest.

Before our meetings, we had a season of fasting and prayer to ask our Father for guidance in taking the next steps in sharing the message given to us for this time. We also took a moment to visit Carolyn’s grave (who passed to her rest July 4 2019) and we sang together of the coming of Jesus.

In our meetings it was decided that Daniel Bernhardt will become the new manager of Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel. His business management skills are best suited to steer TRSC for the next phase of its ministry.

In terms of the message we looked at every aspect of the First Angel’s message as the template for what we desire to share with the world

  1. The Angel having the Everlasting Gospel – The 1888 view of the Covenants and the correct understanding of Righteousness by Faith
  2. Fear God – The proclamation of the One True God and His Son
  3. Give Glory to Him – The revelation of the Non-violent Character of God
  4. The Hour of His judgment – We are judged as we judge.
  5. Worship Him that made heaven and earth. A call to keep all of God’s Sabbaths and appointments and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in them.

We discussed the various books and resources that have been produced and what other books needed to be developed to present this message. The whole theme of the judgment will require more research and study for it to be presented faithfully in light of the Judgment expressed in Daniel 7.

It was decided to bring Ben Kramlich back to Talking Rock to assist Daniel Bernhardt and to oversee the Garden at TRSC for the immediate future. It was also decided to ask Danutasn Brown to spend part of his time at Talking Rock as chief editor of our publications.  The rest of his time will be spent advancing the message in the Asian field. Danutasn happily agreed to work on this plan.

It was decided that we would provide support to several workers in the world field who have sacrificed significantly for this message over the past several years. We gives thanks to our Father in heaven for making this provision available to help our front line workers continue to advance the message. At the present time we are supporting 25-30 workers in various locations around the world.

We also decided to run a Bible training program in the month of June of 2020. We will be presenting many aspects of present truth and our goal is to have 10-20 book canvassers enter the field in various locations and taking our publications to the doors to introduce people to our wonderfully loving Father and His Son.

It was also decided that Dr Hullquist would accompany Adrian, Lorelle and Daniel on their European tour and visit many of the believers through Europe. We will be spending Tabernacles in Germany.

As Daniel Bernhardt is from Argentina it will take most of 2020 for him and his family to obtain the proper visas to work in the USA. As a result Adrian Ebens will be acting as General Manager during the months of June and July of 2020.

It was also decided that Craig Jones will provide financial and accounting services to Talking Rock to ensure accurate data capture and reporting for our decision making processes.


Gary and Alexandra

Since the sad loss of our sister Carolyn Hullquist, Gary Hullquist had prayerfully felt the need of a companion. Through a series of events, Gary met Alexandra in the fall of 2019. They discovered they had similar backgrounds and interests and knew many of the same people. When Gary decided to move out of TRSC so that he was no longer having to face the day to day administration of TRSC  it seemed the best thing to him to move forward in marriage in January of 2020. Although this took most of us by surprise at the speed of this process, it seemed to be the best option with all things considered and they are now settling nicely into married life. We wish them our Father’s blessing in their life together and we welcome Alexandra into our extended family.  

Ben and Marie

It has been a joy to watch the developing relationship between Ben and Marie over the last few years. It is evident the Lord Jesus has been leading them. We look forward to their wedding in July of this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with them both in their new life together.

New Books

We have had a number of new book titles released over the last few months

CrossExamined.jpgCross Examined and Cross Encountered. This is a ground breaking book that looks at the Cross of Christ in the context of the Bible verse that says:

Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. Psa 40:6 

If God did not desire sacrifice and offering then what is the meaning of the cross? Why did Christ have to die? Was it to satisfy God’s justice? Why did Jesus tell us in John 17 that the work His Father gave Him to do was finished the night before He was crucified? Are we sure we understand the meaning of the Cross?


Comforter-Front.jpgComforter: This book looks at the change in male and female relationships after the fall of man. Before the fall, Adam looked to the Son of God to be His primary Comforter. After the fall he turned to the woman to be his primary comforter. This change in relationship would have terrible consequences. If the woman could not provide the required comfort then the man would be tempted to punish the woman for not providing what he wanted. The book explores principles of courtship, marriage and also considers the question of same sex relationships from a biblical perspective.

Dominion_and_Destiny_Front.jpgDominion and Destiny – The Future of Man and the Earth. Danny Brown and Ben Kramlich share some of their journey as young agnostics looking the world’s diminishing resources and how they looked for answers to their growing questions. Their quest led both of them into a relationship with our Heavenly Father and a true understanding of what it means to be stewards of the earth.


Father-of-Love.jpgFather of Love

This book has been prepared by Kevin Mullins in Maine, USA. He has carefully summarised many of our key teachings on the character of God over the past few years. There are several quotes from members of our Father of Love Facebook group. For those who wish to get a good introduction to our message then this book is for you. Thank you Kevin for putting this together for us.


One Like the Son of Man

To the church a Philadelphia was given a special key to grant them access into the Most Holy Place

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; (Rev 3:7)

The only possible way into the Most Holy Place is through the mediation of Jesus Christ for there is only one mediator between God and man. The fact that the key is something that comes from David speaks to the nature of Christ.

Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;  Rom 1:3 

Yet Christ is not only the offspring of David, He also is the root.

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.  (Rev 22:16)

David’s throne was established by the Son of God. Thus the key that enables entrance into the Most Holy Place is the correct understanding of the Divine and Human nature of Christ and how these two natures are blended.

This key also involves the nature of Christ’s priesthood. Is Christ only a priest from the days of the apostles or is He indeed a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek?

There is a movement within Adventism to recover the truth that Jesus is the Son of God. This movement must link arms with the truth that Jesus truly is the Son of man within the 1888 framework of the covenants for this key of David to correctly unlock the way into the Most Holy Place.

Strait is the gate and narrow is the way and few there be that find it.

Outreach meeting in Young.

At the end of February this year, I had the opportunity to fly to the outback town of Young in South-Western New South Wales. We ran a public meeting looking at the subjects of Domestic Violence in our communities, questions of the apparent Genocide commands in the Bible and is God truly good and kind and merciful or not. Several books were taken and a fair amount of interest was generated. We plan to do more of these programs in the near future including a meeting in Jasper, GA in June this year.

Passover 2020

Widgee QLD (Download Program Schedule)

We are looking forward to a significant gathering in Widgee this year for Passover in Australia. We have a number of international guests coming from USA, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Bangkok and possible more. We look forward to having Gary and Alexandra Hullquist joining us this year as well as Morris Francis from South Africa. We pray for the promised Spirit of our Father to bless us and prepare us for the rest of this year. We trust our Father will reveal to us the things we need for this hour. Let us pray earnestly for the Spirit and that our hearts will be prepared to receive the things that we need to prepare for translation to the heavenly city.

Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel

In Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel we will be having a half time Passover over the long weekend. Ben Kramlich will be leading out and we have invited Pedro Orta to come and share with us also. We pray the time of our brethren there will be greatly blessed.

We know that many others will be having Passover gatherings in different parts of the world we pray that all of your will be greatly blessed at this time.

Adrian, Lorelle, Daniel and Ruben Travel Itinerary for 2020

We have purchased our flights to travel to these places this year. We ask for your prayers that our Father will protect our travel with all the current challenges in the world. We trust our Father to give us strength to move forward the spreading of this most precious message.  

May 21 – Fly to San Francisco.
May 23 – Meetings in the Bay Area
May 24 Fly to Atlanta
May 28-31 – Pentecost meetings
June 1-28 Bible Training program
July 2-6 Meetings in Toronto area, Canada.
Aug 4 Fly to Germany
Aug 7-9 Meetings in Neustadt
Aug 14-16 Meetings in Sweden
Aug 21-23 Meetings in Poland
Aug 24 Fly to Toulouse
Aug 25-27 Meetings near Marc and Elisabeth’s home
Aug 28-30 Meetings in Mornex
Sep 5-6 Meetings in Brno
Sep 9-14 Meetings in Bulgaria
Sep 16-Sep 26 Meetings in Serbia
Sep 27 Drive to Zagreb – Croatia
Oct 3-10 Tabernacles in/near Berlin
Oct 14 Arrive in Cape Town
Oct 15-Nov 22 Meetings in South Africa

TRSC Bible Training Program. June 1-28 (Download Program Schedule)

The Bible Training program at TRSC this year is aimed at examining the Three Angels Messages in detail in light of God’s last message of love to the world. For those coming or watching online it would be good to read through the book. Key to Empowering the Third Angel’s message. Our aim is to show how the keys parts of our message come directly from the Three Angels messages. Several of the afternoon time slots we will be canvassing books in preparation for a public meeting on the third weekend of meetings. At the end of the training program we hope to offer canvassing positions to 10-20 people to canvas our books. Please contact us if you would like to attend the program. We offer this freely and freely receive donations to help support our work in advancing the gospel. 

Before the Bible Training program we will are called to the Feast of Pentecost. We will have meetings from May 28 to May 31. We desire the outpouring of the Spirit as we enter into the Training and outreach programs.

New Websites and translations

We are thankful to announce the launch of the following websites

We have has several new translations of books added. We are very thankful to the work in Kenya where sister Emmah and the team there are translating many books into Swahili.

We now have a total of 275 translations of our English titles into 22 languages. This figure is growing all the time. 90% of this work has occured within the last 5 years. Here is a break down from the different countries

English                72
Bulgarian             52
German               44
Spanish               34
Czech                  29
Serbian                27
French                 26
Afrikaans             11
Russian               10
Swahili                  9
Zulu                      6
Romanian             4
Dutch                    4
Hindi                     3
Arabic                   3
Tagalog                 3
Indonesian            3
Mandarin              2
Thai                      2
Polish                   1
Norwegian            1
Sotho                    1

It is a testament to the Spirit of God moving on God’s people to advance the cause of truth. Our books are at the heart of moving the message forward. People need to time to digest information in a calm and orderly way. Listening to presentations can be helpful to get key points in but the best method is to read a book carefully and methodically or listen to an audiobook and take in the points prayerfully. In our Divine pattern system, presentations are a channel into the books which are the source. Presentations can only provide so much framework in an hour or so of time. So I encourage everyone to read the books precept upon precept and line upon line and compare with Scripture.

We are looking for translators in other languages than the ones listed above. If you can assist us, we would appreciate hearing from you. We are especially looking for translators in the following languages

Amharic – Ethiopia
Hausa – Nigeria and West Africa

We trust our Father to open the way for translation into these languages. Our message carried into books must go to every corner of the earth that the world may know our wonderful Father and His only begotten Son and their loving non-violent character and the appointments by which we receive the refreshing of the Spirit in greater measure.

Pastors, Bible Workers, Translators, Editors and Canvassers

Maranatha Media and Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel is supporting Pastors, Bible workers and others in several countries. Thank you for helping us to help them.
Thank you

We say thank you for all our supporters in various parts of the world that help us get the joyous news of the Third's Angel's message out to the world. We ask for your prayers as we continue to advance the light of truth. We are very excited about the things we are learning and pray that you also will be blessed on this journey into a deeper knowledge of the Father and the Son.

Adrian Ebens
Maranatha Media



Please Download and Study these Booklets related to this Newsletter. 




















Audiobooks on Youtube


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