Maranatha Media

French Translation of Identity Wars Produced Through Many Obstacles

Posted Aug 07, 2011 by Oliver Saade in Testimonies and Stories
6,747 Hits

On January 12 of this year, Adrian asked me if there was a possibilty of helping him with a French Translation of Identity Wars. I have been so blessed by the message of Identity Wars that I was eager to help in whatever way I could.

I can not begin to tell the the number of setbacks and trials that we faced in getting this translation completed. We struggled for months just getting someone who will be willing to work on it. We had a few volunteers who wanted to help but gave up on the way. After months of prayer, our Father put it in the heart of another brother to recommend his teacher who accepted to do the work.

The translator faced his own trials during the final stages of the work for which we continually prayed for him knowing that the task he had undertaken was not an easy one. Satan hates this work and has tried to stop it in every possible way. I know the translator was blessed working on the book, he has told me on a number of occasions how happy he was to have read it and translating it made it have a much deeper impact upon his life.

It was interesting however that upon finishing the work, the translator's mobile phone was stolen so he lost my contact. At the same time I had also decided to give him some breathing space because of his ailments. He had to contact some students he thought I might know in two deferent neighboring countries and after two weeks got hold of a friend of mine who finally gave him my number.

I call it pure blessed, I can not think of any other way to put it. Knowing this truth, not only in doctrine but -the way of life, truly has set me free and truly want to thank our Father and His Son for getting the Identity Wars book translated in French. It’s been a tough journey with this one but I couldn’t be happier to have been part of this.

Well that’s a long history made short. After months of working, through numerous attacks, health issues and trials, we endeavored not to give up or rest till this is done. May our French speaking brothers and sisters find the same blessing we now have in the Father and His Son, to know the Fountain and drink of the pure river of life and let His glory shine forth. May the truth of the Father and His Son our Lord and savior find one more heart and home to bless. Its our prayer that you will find the joy we have found.

1 John 1:3  That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

Yours in the faith once and for all given the saints


The French Translation is currently available for download at

(This translation was updated and printed in France by Marc and Elisabeth Fury from Special thanks to Oliver for getting this project going!)