Maranatha Media

From France!

Posted Dec 13, 2011 by Elisabeth Fury in General
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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is such a wonderful opportunity to be able to share with other believers. Since I am new, it would be good to introduce myself :)
My name is Elisabeth and I am today turning 35 years old! I am blessed with a wonderful husband and two little boys. We are living in the southern part of France, near where the Albigenses used to live. The Lord blessed us with a house in the middle of the forest where we can homeschool our children and have a closer relationship with our Father and His precious Son.

I was born and raised in the SDA church and was able to study 2 years at Hartland College in Virginia. As I came back to France in 1999, the Lord led me to meet Marc, my future husband, and we got married in 2000.

It was in 2005 that we were brought in contact with the precious truth about the Father and His Son. A friend of us sent us a french translation of the booklet : "Building on the Solid Rock", and it just was what we needed. From that time on we started studying deeper, and we started a ministry for our french brothers and sisters called "Etoile du Matin" (Morning Star). We had the burden to share articles that had blessed us and that we translated into french. We started with a little bimonthly magazine of 20 pages and sent to 30 addresses. It was in 2006. Now we are preparing our next issue and we have close to 200 addresses and our magazine is 36 pages! Praise God.

As time passed, we couldn't keep silent anymore and my husband started translating a booklet concerning what the pioneers believed on the subject of the Godhead. Many people were eager to read this little book, and as we shared with others they wanted to know more and we translated also Allen Stump's book "The foundation of our Faith". It has been wonderful to see the responses and the hearts of the people opening to this precious truth.

Yet, the enemy of our souls was not happy and we had to face had trials and rejections, as many of you, I think. But God is good, isn't He? This truth is so precious, so wonderful.

A few months ago, my husband heard about brother Adrian Ebens and read his testimony. He found it so powerful that we shared it in our magazine. Many people were blessed, and some asked about the book "The return of Elijah". Some were disappointed to know it was only in English :) . We ordered it, and brother Ebens, was very kind to send us some DVDs. What a blessing! I am learning so much! Marc is currently reading the book, and often even wakes up during the night to read!
As a woman who has the deep desire to follow God, I am still struggling with submission, but when I read about how the relationship between husband and wife is an image of the relationship between the Father and His Son, and the beauty of the source coming for God and flowing through Christ to the husband and then the wife, it just changes my perspective and gives me a renewed desire to be what God wants me to be.

May the Lord richly bless each one of you, and may you always have this burning desire to come to a closer understanding of the Truth as is it in Jesus,