Maranatha Media

God’s Blessing Through Human Family Channel

Posted Feb 08, 2010 by Adrian Ebens in Family and Community
8,647 Hits

Dear Father

You have taught us that all those who accept Christ are Abraham’s seed. You poured a blessing upon this man that was designed to flow to all the families of the earth. Those who pattern their authority structures on his family structure will receive your blessing. Father show us how to live like Abraham, how to bless our families like him. Show us how that all human structures that wish to bless must be based on his family structure.

Send us Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers to children and children to fathers. Let respect for authority return, let the power of submission be understood, let us cease the spirit of accusation against those in authority and plead for your blessing through those you have appointed.

Let us not sit in the seat of the scornful or allow ourselves to entertain a proud look. May the words of blessing come to us through your human channels that you have appointed – “I am well pleased with you.” Let us hear your voice through your appointed agencies and when they fail to bless us, let us refrain from cursing them and bringing a double curse upon ourselves.

No man lives to himself and no man dies to himself. Pure religion and undefilied is to visit the fatherless and the widows…

Grant us patience Lord as we wait for this blessing, as we wait for Elijah, as we wait for the rain.

In the name of your only begotten Son