Maranatha Media

He Sweat Drops of Blood

Posted Mar 06, 2012 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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Luke 22:44  And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

This fact is something that is so well known about the story of the cross, yet how often do we stop and just think about why He sweat drops of blood. This condition has been observed on a number of occasions where people have come under extreme mental stress and often in the face of death.

As we read the words "and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground" do we behold Him? Does not our heart go out to Him? Then it dawns upon the mind that this terrible struggle that is forcing from His brow His very life blood, is caused by our sins, our selfishness and our indulgence. We so often lament the power of sin, but as we behold the bowed and tortured form of Jesus clinging to the ground begging His Father to find another way to deal with the sin problem, do these sins still have power? Are we not moved by His resolve to say "not my will by Thy will" Is not our heart filled with love for our Father who willingly allows His Son to be crushed by our vile and putrid sins. Brothers and sisters, these thoughts have filled my mind for the last few days. I feel privileged to think them and feel bound to share them with you.

Who can grasp the intensity of struggle in the mind of Christ. At any moment He might of wiped His blood stained brow and said, the cost is too great, the sense of my Father's wroth against sin is too great to face, yet He went as a lamb to the slaughter, He laid down His life for us.

My heart cannot refrain from praising Him. I cannot hold back my tongue fron telling Him that I love Him. His steadfast determination to do His Father's will has given me eternal life. Yes I believe that I have it in the begotten Son. Lord Jesus you were not ashamed to carry my sins and take them to the grave, I ask for grace to never be ashamed of you and never hide my love for you as God's only begotten Son.

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