Maranatha Media

Heaven So Sweet!

Posted Nov 25, 2010 by Oliver Saade in Devotional - Blog
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This work was inspired during a bible study of Heaven. It has taken me almost a year to complete (lol); with every opportunity given by our Lord a piece was added, and today it is finally complete. I dedicate it to all who love the Lord, War on War on, AFTER BATTLE, HOME! To one who lives quite far from my home but has unknowingly helped to give meaning and bring this work to light, Lorelle Ebens, a Mother with tensile strength, and in her husband’s own words, a sweet wife. Your children testify of you, Angels speak of you; your works do follow you, for the Lord is your strength. Pro 31:25

Writing this has been a blessing to me and I hope it will be to you too. Please enjoy during this Sabbath… Heaven So Sweet!

Heb 11:14-16 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

A day is soon to come in which a new heaven and earth will be created; made by the creator and Lord –God our great King. In it is the City of God made in Gods own dwelling place for which Christ is now making a way and preparing a place for you and me. For all who grow homesick for heaven and its glories to behold, there is coming a day when He will take us to be with Him for a final homecoming fitting; He will array us with robes of light, and then come to our new home with us to be amongst us. A heavenly home for you and me, clothed with the very splendor and majesty of Christ; it will be real indeed in all His munificence and adorned with His own signature of life. Articulated by our mighty God; by his word He calms and orders, Heaven will bear again it’s Christeen and natural identity of Gods own skillful work: The air will be invigorating, delightful and sweet smelling; the sights pure and beautiful attesting to His glory, in it the redeemed of the Lord raised unto life forevermore will sing with beautiful melodious songs carried on by His spirit of love and fellowship and we will rejoice for the Son of God will be our King. 1

The birds begin to sing, they erupt for to fly; they harmoniously fly by and spanned the skies painting it with myriads of delectable colors. Making music of happiness their wings drum the skies to a heavenly crescendo; all nature join in the song of new found glory; the trees conduct with their leaves; the grasses show their green; the waters begin to gleam; the atmosphere already pretty begins to fill with expectation and wonder; and in a moment of pause and attention all creation now began to show the mighty brilliance of the glory of God for the King of Kings now stood in their very midst. Whilst the wolf and the lamb feed together, the children are playing with the lions and the bears. Many in this heavenly country rejoice with great gladness, trying-on once almost lost yet new found glory. All creatures attended the scene and the King began a new decree, as His agencies of exceling-strength channeled on the clarion call; to all heavenly hosts, people and tribe, “Behold, THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS WITH MEN.” 2

To all who imagine and dream of the glory to come, who think of the wonders of God and of His pleasures and reminded of His ways, of His tender thoughts towards us, having pictures of wonderful light flowing from His throne, drawing into our very deeps expressions of love and gratitude which only tears can suffice to express, filling our imaginings with inexplicable joy, we behold the wonder His character through His beloved Son. Our hearts yearns to be transformed into that same Image; to express His goodness and kindness to all, all He desires for His children, being creative at every thought. To all who long to bask at His splendor and majesty, His love; His faithfulness, His ways, His wisdom, His truth and His life: the age of the everlasting Kingdom has begun! 3


Heaven is so real dear friend oh you must be there. Its city is perfect; made for all the saints. Its foundations are of precious stones with colors like a magnificent rainbow. The streets are made of gold; pure transparent gold as glass, with great pearly gates and its pillars stood firm and sure, its countenance is like a bride adorned for a bridegroom and its name is called the New Jerusalem. 4

The wilderness will bloom abundantly there and the city will have no need of the sun, for the glory of God will lighten it up, and the Lamb of God will be this light. There will be unsurpassed beauty, interspersed with great lakes, rivers of joy flowing to every turf and thought and when we are reunited with loved ones we’ll never have enough of mountains of love and laughter to share with each and every one. 5

There will be no sin in Heaven, no, nothing that defiles. No heartache or hurt; no anger nor shame; no weariness no pain no sorrow or sad note; no clouds of greyness ever in the sky; all tears will surely fly away. The lame will walk, the blind will see and the deaf will hear; time and limits of goodness will be gone for good; our Father’s glory will overwhelm every heart. There will be no stress there; never to grow old; never to die, all evil and its memories will surely pass away. 6

In the mist of the city is the river of life, a river clear as crystal, proceeding from the glory of our Father and His Son. In the hillsides of glory we will enjoy the Fathers ever flowing blessing, drink of His fountains and eat of the tree of His life; its leaves will be for the healing of the nations, we will truly enjoy life forever and ever more. 7

Take a moment with me will you, and breathe for a little while, savor the moment, then let’s consider together: what will our homes be like? ...

We would plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them; the possibilities are unthinkable; think of beautiful petal bushes that enliven the heart with colors on every step. There will be blooming gardens of never fading flowers making the heart glad with beautiful and sweet memories, clothed with beautiful verdure with myriads of fragrant flowers everything will be tasteful and gloriously arranged in our Fathers house. 8

We will sing and play heavenly music and worship before God. We will Hear Angels sing glory and listen to the songs of our God, Oh what a joy it will be! We will see patriarchs and prophets and know each other too. We will visit each other and think of the goodness of God, the first fruits unto the lamb, we will go wheresoever He goes. Before we call, He will answer; and while we are still speaking, He will hear. 9

We will study creation and many wonders, travel and explore and never be weary. Visit lands near and far, we will have all our desires that the Lord placed in our hearts, fondest dreams come true that our joy may be full. I don’t know about you but I love to fly, I’ll love to touch the skies and to sing together with you. What a day that will be, when we see the savior of the world, come now my friend, choose now to be there too! 10

I’m bound for this city with streets of gold; for me it is being prepared and for all who love the Lord. Who so ever will, let Him come and take freely of the water of life. What a joy it will be when we see Him face to face! 11

How can I be assured of this Kingdom to come, and how can I have life and enter too...?


Not everyone who says to me, ‘lord, lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my father in heaven. 13


Prepare for heaven now by having heaven in your heart. Kiss the Son and give Him your heart, give Him your life, let the love of God flow through you and come join in His family. Live in Christ then withhold not the smallest, share the love with others and then let’s lift up our eyes together for our redemption draws nigh; Christ in you the hope of glory! 14

Like children, will joy fill our hearts; Heaven will be so sweet indeed friends oh you must be there! Hear Christ’s call; turn to Him in your weakest times. Never give up hope in life’s many trials; never give in to sin for the day is coming when all will be made whole, hold on to our Father’s promises; He will give life and power to overcome. 15

We will be given the right to enjoy life with Him; to be called Sons and Daughters of our heavenly Father. We will sit and talk together with Christ and remember His wonderful love. I will know you in Heaven and you will remember me too! Our love will grow for each other as our Father walks with us. Heaven will be heaven for He will be there too! 16

Oh to Hear Him saying “well-done thou good and faithful child; you believed my word -you are my child in whom am well pleased-” Oh How sweet and comforting His words will be, “you have run the race and finished the course, now is set for you a crown of life. You have been faithful in little now receive much; come and receive eternal rewards; Come in my beloved enter into my eternal rest.” 17

How can I express gratitude for this so great love? From sinner to saint, so Christ does His works! Heaven prepared whilst we were yet in our sins, God loved us; Christ came in and died for us. With Him planted into our desert land; He rose in newness of life; restoring us into His image and having His arms wide open and stretched out, He is waiting now to welcome and wipe all tears from our eyes. 18

We will bask and enjoy; we will imbibe and not refrain then sing and proclaim, “Oh God How wonderful you are, your works are great and marvelous are your deeds; Heaven is truly Heaven because you are here too.”

Psa 145:10-21 All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy. My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.

1Co 2:9 Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Rev 22:14,15 Blessed are THOSE WHO DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, that they may HAVE THE RIGHT TO THE TREE OF LIFE, and may enter through the gates into the city

Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

1. Joh 14:1-2; Isa 66:22; 2Pe 3:13; Rev 3:12

2. Isa 11:6-9; 65:25; Rev 21:3

3. Psa 16:11; 2Pe 1:11

4. Rev 21:2,19-21; Rev 3:12

5. Rev 21:23

6. Php 3:21; Isa 35:5- 6; Rev 21:4; Rev 21:27; Rev 22:3; Isaiah 60:18

7. Eze 47:12; Rev 22:1-2

8. Isa 65:21-22

9. Psa 87:7; Mat 8:11; Zep 3:17; Isa 51:11; Rev 14:4; Isa 65:24

10. Psa 37:3-4; Isa 40:31

11. 1Co 2:9; Rev 22:4

12. Joh 3:16

13. Mat 7:21

14. Psa 2:12; Joh 1:12; Luk 21:28; Jas 1:27; Eph 1:18; Col 1:27; Rev 21:7

15. Mat 11:28; Joh 16:33; 1Jn 4:4

16. 2Co 6:16, 18

17. 2Co 5:15; Mat 25:21; Mat 25:21; 2Ti 4:7

18. Joh 3:16-17; Mal 4:5; Joh 1:29-30