Maranatha Media

I Delight to do thy Will

Posted Sep 30, 2011 by Craig Jones in Worship of True God
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I was listening to Steps to Christ this morning and was struck by the simplicity of this statement

Jesus said of Himself before He came to earth, "I delight to do Thy will, O My God: yea, Thy law is within My heart." Psalm 40:8. SC Page 61

This statement clearly shows that Jesus referred to His Father as His God and He delighted to keep His Father's commandments. I recalled reading Adrian's article "The God of Jesus Christ" where it gave a number of references to Jesus calling his Father God on while He was on earth and in the book of Revelation after His ascenion. Yet this is the first time I have encountered a reference of this before He came to earth.

I can't describe the sense of joy and peace this brought me as I found another confirmation that the God of Jesus Christ is indeed our God and His Father is our Father through Him.