Maranatha Media

In Honour of the Father and Son in 2014

Posted Dec 14, 2014 by Adrian Ebens in Events
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Dear friends

2014 is drawing to a close and what a very full year it has been. I just want to say a special thank you to all our dear friends in different parts of the world that have prayed for us and supported us this year as we seek to share the wonderful news the we are beloved children of the Father through the begotten Son of God.

After the fall camp meeting in Talking Rock GA, USA in 2013 where we witnessed a great outpouring of the Spirit of God:

We witnessed the manifestation of the blessing of our Father in the lives of many people as we partook of the Spirit coming to us on the Sabbath during the feast of tabernacles.

In this presentation was shared the words of the Father spoken to His Son,

“You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”

In accepting the begotten Son of God, this blessing of the Father we inherit for we are accepted in the beloved. Eph 1:6. We invited the people to come and receive under the eldership a tangible expression of this blessing. It is one thing to know it in your heart and it is certainly a magnification to have this manifested through a simple prayer telling God’s children that He loves them. As the people streamed forward to the front, one elderly lady said “I am going to receive my blessing!” Another man stated that in being invited to be an elder to pray over the people, he felt like a real elder for the first time in his life. Many tears were shed and families embraced each other as the simple reality of the Father’s love for us was manifested through the Divine Pattern.
This blessing went on for well over an hour and truly the goodness of God led many to repentance and a desire to give themselves fully to their Saviour.

Several souls went forward in Baptism under the power of the blessing.

And many people testified of the power of God that was being manifested in their lives.

After this time, I was filled with a great desire to take this message of blessing as connected to the Third Angels message to as many places as I could. As I spoke to my beloved wife about these things, she was moved to encourage me to take this message to as many stations around the world before the way would be closed up. The simplest way and cheapest way to do this was to travel for several months. I was a little uneasy about being away from home for several months but my wife encouraged me to move forward and she would hold the home front. I felt the Lord speaking to me through Lorelle and so I decided to move forward in faith to bring the blessing to other parts of the USA and Europe.

This would be a very big step of faith as I had been ill for several years and travel and speaking had not been possible for me. When I had travelled to the USA in 2011 I was hospitalised in Chicago with a very serious health condition. One of the reasons I was willing to consider this trip was the sense of strength and vitality I experienced during the feast of tabernacles in Georgia. I chose to believe the Lord would give me the strength I needed if I would walk in the blessing I had received at that camp meeting.

I prayed about who would be best to take on this tour and I was impressed in prayer to ask brother Igor Vujica to come and he gladly took that step. He was such a gentle and positive influence during the trip this year and the Lord used him to do a very important work as we travelled together. I was very thankful for his companionship.

The full impact of our decision to spend seven months away finally dawned when Lorelle and I said goodbye at the airport. Walking up the stairway into the aircraft my legs felt like lead. I was thankful to have my dear son Michael with me who was attending the spring camp meeting with us for the first two weeks.

The spring camp meeting in Talking Rock, GA brought many blessings.

I sensed the Spirit of God resting upon us as we explored the deeper realities of the cross of Christ in this presentation The Divine Pattern of the Cross

I recall with much joy the presentation Coming home for a blessing and the opening of hearts to the testimonies that were shared. It was a very special time.

The expansion of blessings were not uncontested by the enemy of our souls and there were some challenges during this time to try and mute the blessings of the Spirit we were receiving. The sheer volume of people and the challenges of a large group in one place presented some challenges and elements of friction tried to break into the camp, but we thank the Lord that overall we experienced a great blessing and again several souls went forward in baptism. It was a great joy to share this work of baptism with brother Lynnford Beachy. It was wonderful to spend time with him and share together of our love for our Saviour.

It was such a joy to see many of my friends go forward in baptism expressing their love for the begotten Son of the Father and yielding themselves fully to Him. I can’t express the joy that I felt in this precious time together.

I shared in a previous newsletter our tour of the Midwest and western parts of the USA here

So many blessings as we shared the love of the Father and Lord Jesus in Texas, Oklahoma, California, Montana and North Dakoda. I was very thankful to the kind hospitality of the Present Truth team, Bible Explorations and our friends in Montana.

After this we travelled to Virginia to meet with the Prophecies of Hope team with Mark Martin, Rick and Mary Tyler and Ed Short. It was a joy to share the love of the begotten Son in a park in Staunton, Virginia and to make new friends and receive their kindness and hospitality.

We were very blessed to have brother Bill Cave offer to drive us from Georgia to Virginia and then down to Lakeland Florida and spend that time with us. We developed a close bond of friendship which has continued to be a blessing for each of us.

We spent a wonderful time in Hendersonville North Carolina for the time of Pentecost and that is what we experienced in our time together. A number of brethren shared presentations including Jahdiel Newman, Wences Arboleda and David Barron. Again we had a very special blessing season and we once again invited the brethren forward for the blessing and several came forward. The Spirit that came to us at Tabernacles camp meeting in 2013 came again and filled us all with grace. Pr Wayne Wright was moved to ask for special prayer for my health situation and the elders present gather around and prayed for me that my diet situation would improve. The next day by providence I was introduced to a product by brother Malcom McCrillis that resulted two months later with me being able to eat a far more balanced diet. As I continued my trip I was growing in strength and health.

Thanks to our many friends in Orlando and Lakeland we were able to share several meetings and share many blessings. Special thanks to Marteen for hosting the event and to Dennis and Alora Weaver and Dale Clark for helping coordinate. Here were some of the meetings we shared at this time.

The meeting we shared on the blessing was lost so cannot share this meeting, but once again it was a joy to invite people forward to receive prayer and the affirmation, “you are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased through the blood of Christ.” During our time there we met brethren Pedro Orta and Paul Zirakian. We were invited to share some meetings with them later in the year.

After this we travelled to Europe where we conducted meetings in Germany, Austria, Serbia, Romania and France. Here is the European report

Here are the meetings from Germany

Here are the meetings from Austria

Here are the meetings from Romania

Here are some of the meetings from France

It was such a joy to see many of our brethren come forward and receive the joyful blessing of “you are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased.” There were several who came forward for baptism in Serbia, Germany, Austria and France. How sweet the memories of our time in Europe and all of our brethren who worked very hard to allow these meetings to take place. We are thankful to our Father in heaven for guiding us through this time and looking after us.

I am also praising our Father for the way He protected our travel. In the seven months of travel we had 24 plane flights and visited seven countries. We had no delayed flights, no missed connections, no lost luggage, everything went smoothly from this perspective which was a miracle to me. We also had the blessing of sitting with different people as we travelled on the planes and were able to share books and DVD’s with quite a number of other passengers. As we travelled back from Europe we had one sweet moment when we had a group prayer in the corner of the plane with some other Christians.

One young man that we shared with on a flight took the book Identity Wars and emailed me a number of weeks later

“Your message truly is a great one that needs to be spread on a global scale! Growing up in a very competitive home environment in America, I can say that I have been exposed to cases of both myself and my close friends working hard, always wanting a higher salary, promotion, etc. only to feel "bummed out" and depressed at the end of the day. Your book has allowed me to see a completely new and inspirational way of life that will truly allow me to be one of God's children and live a happier, more fulfilling life. 

Your message truly resonated with me when you discuss your personal experience of being at a party as a young man (pgs. 64 and 65). I went through (painfully I might add) an almost identical scenario about a year ago. I knew that I wanted and needed a different lifestyle in order to not "burn out." However, was not quite sure which "path" to take. Your book played a significant role in helping me figure out which "path" to take. You made it very clear! Over these past few weeks, I feel more confident and fulfilled than I ever have before by closely following your advice. For this, I cannot thank you enough.”

As you can imagine it was a great joy to receive this email. I pray our Father will bless and guide him in the future.

We then attended the Roan Mountain Camp meeting in Tennessee hosted by Malcolm and Sandy McCrillis. They were wonderful hosts and cared for us graciously while there. Here are the meetings we shared while there.

While I was blessed by several things at this gathering there were also a number of things that were disappointing. I detail some of this in my report about the meeting.

After this we were able to share a number of messages back in Georgia

The Power of Submission Series

The Third Angel’s Message and the Character of God

Turning Hearts

We are very grateful to Gary and Carolyn Hullquist and to those of the TRSC team that have helped and encouraged us during our time abroad. We have been greatly blessed by their ministry.

We were invited by the brethren in Ocala to come and share some meetings there with the theme on the Day of Atonement. There was such a spirit of openness and desire to study the word together. What we experienced in Ocala was similar to what we have experienced at Talking Rock at Tabernacles camp in 2013. As we invited people forward to receive the Father’s blessing, miracles were taking place in people’s hearts. As we dwelt upon the grace of God through His Son, our hearts we closed singing “side by side we stand” No one wanted to leave. There was such a spirit of unity, peace and love in the Spirit. We plan to return to Ocala next April for the spring camp meeting from April 4-11. My whole family will be attending and we would love to see you there if you can attend.

Our final destination was at Terra Bella, CA for the Tabernacles Camp meeting being held there. It was a wonderful experience to meet many new brethren and share together. We found a very open spirit and a desire to enquire and learn. Here are the messages we shared while there.

We thank the Bible Explorations team for inviting us and making us feel very welcome. Once again we were able to share the blessing and people streamed forward to receive prayer for themselves and family members. It was a very moving experience and we thank the Lord for the time we spend together.

All I can say is praise the Lord for how He provided for us this year in our ministry. Thankyou to the many faithful friends that have supported us and enabled us to share the gospel with people around the different place we visited.

We are very happy that several new translation projects have commenced in French, German, Serbian and other languages. We are pleased to announce our new website for Serbia

We soon hope to have a similar website for Romania

In other news we have been blessed to print Identity Wars in Northern India and the message of the gospel is advancing there for which we are thankful.

You can imagine how blessed it was to see my family again after seven months. What a joy to be reunited and to be with them again.

I wish everyone the blessing of our Father in heaven through Christ Jesus our Lord. I pray that we all may remember how precious we are to our Father in heaven and that we are His beloved children in whom He is well pleased in Christ Jesus. Outside of Christ there is no hope for us ever to find peace with God but through His Son, we inheritance His blessing and acceptance with the Father.

Please pray for our ministry for 2015 that we will serve the Lord according to His will and continue to share the blessing of our Father in Heaven by Jesus Christ