Maranatha Media

Into All the World TRSC Winter Series Dec 18-22, 2019

Posted Dec 08, 2019 by Adrian Ebens in Events
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Wednesday Dec 18

  1. 7pm                  This Gospel of the Kingdom                     Adrian Ebens

Thursday Dec 19

  1. 9:30am              Belief and Faith                                     Craig Jones
  2. 11am                 Rest – Receiving to Give                        Adrian Ebens
  3. 3pm                  Witness to the Truth                              Daniel Bernhardt
  4. 7pm                  The Framework of Truth                          Adrian Ebens

Friday Dec 20

  1. 9:30am              Witness to the Truth 2                          Craig Jones
  2. 11am                 Rightly dividing the Word of God           Adrian Ebens
  3. 7pm                  Righteousness by Faith – Gospel Mechanics          Adrian Ebens

Sabbath Dec 21

  1. 9:30am              Witness to the Truth  3                                         Craig Jones
  2. 11am                 Justice and Judgement
                                – the foundation of the God’s Throne                  Adrian Ebens
  3. 3pm                  Rivers of Living Water                                           Adrian Ebens
  4. 7pm                 The Paradox of Resistance                                    Adrian Ebens

Sunday Dec 22

  1. 9:30am              The Face of God                                                 Daniel Bernhardt
  2. 11am                 Witnessing Stories                                             Adrian Ebens
  3. 3pm                   The Investigative Judgement in the Mirror              Adrian Ebens
  4. 7pm                   My Thoughts are not Your Thoughts                    Adrian Ebens