Maranatha Media

It was so much simpler back then

Posted Jun 06, 2011 by Colin Nicolson in The Son of God
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I was raised as a young Seventh-Day Adventist in the 1960's. 
I remember learning John 3:16 as one of my many memory verses.  I think it was for JMV's (anyone remember JMV's?).  I also read vast sections of the Bible including the "begats" in Genesis and Matthew. 
I was probably eight or nine at the time and it occurred to me that if Jesus was the only begotten Son of God then where was His mother?  I had never read about her.   Even at that age I knew the text was referring to Jesus before His incarnation.  So I went to my source of all wisdom, my mother, and asked her.  I remember Mum had a funny little smile on her face and she took a few moments to answer me.

Her answer was so simple and yet it totally satisfied me.  She confirmed that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God just like the Bible says.  She said that the Bible does not tell us how Jesus was begotten and so we do not have to know.  She said God did not have a wife and we should not try to make God into a human like us.  She told me I just had to believe what the Bible told me and when I got to heaven I could ask Jesus for myself.

Pretty good answer?  I happily accepted it and I still believe it.  Mum had such a wonderful but simple faith.  She just accepted what the Bible said and believed it and did it.  Thank God and praise Him for the gift of godly mothers.

I recently found a statement by Ellen White that describes my late mother.  She said:
Any person who looks to Christ in simple, childlike faith is made a partaker of the divine nature through the agency of the Holy Spirit. (Manuscript 143, 1901 quoted in Christ Triumphant 363.5).

Yes, life seemed so much simpler back then in the '60's, but, praise God, a simple faith is not dependent on a simple life.  It is dependent only on our approach to our Heavenly Father and I pray that He will give me the grace to develop that same simple, childlike faith.

May God bless you.