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Joseph Bates' Old Pastor, David Millard

Posted Oct 24, 2011 by Adrian Ebens in Adventist History
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I learned recently that David Millard was Joseph Bates old pastor. I looked this up and found Bates mention this in the Review and Herald and how he gave Pr Millard a copy of his autobiography. The connection between Millard and Bates reveals more light on exactly what our pioneers from the Christian Connection believed. Read Millard's book outlining his convictions about God and His Son.

RH April 13 1869


JACKSON, Sunday morning. March 6, having no appointments for meetings, started early to attend church service with the Michigan State prisoners, thinking that a few hours would not be misspent in company with some six or seven hundred convicts locked up and hid away from all earthly society. I was disappointed when told there was no meeting in the prison as usual, and no privilege to see any of the convicts unless they were my relatives,

On returning from the prison I was solicited to go and hear what the people called a sailor preacher. His text Was Matt. xxv, 14-30. His exposition of the text was very good, and easy to be understood. At a later hour I gained an introduction to him in his study. His name is Wright, a minister of long standing in the M. E. Church, living near Coldwater, Mich. For many years he followed the sea. Some of his voyages were from New Bedford, Mass, and vicinity. As this was formerly my place of residence, and where I ended my last voyage, we were soon acquainted.  After speaking of his sermon, I presented him with the REVIEW for March 2, 1869 saying, Here is a printed one on the same subject, which agrees so well with Your views I should be pleased to have you read it. The author has an older, brother who is a presiding elder in the M. E. church in Ohio. Said he, I know him, and expressed his desire to read the sermon, and also tracts on the" Sufferings of Christ," and “Law and Gospel."

While conversing on the second coming of our Saviour, he said he was partially acquainted with the doctrine. I said, We have a book written by the same author, on the history of the past Advent movement, would you like to read it? He said he would, as soon as he was relieved from his engagement and returned home. Subsequently he thankfully accepted the book.

I spent the evening very pleasantly with my former pastor, Elder David Millard, of the Christian Connection, very recently removed from York State. I told him I had taken the liberty to use his name in my Autobiography, showing how highly he regarded the Advent movement, by his public letters, and associating his name with fifteen others in a call for the first Second Advent Conference ever convened. See pp. 245-247. Also the honorable position he then occupied as one of its Vice-presidents, I observed that we now had the history of this great movement carefully written out, and if he would read it, I would present him with a copy of the work. He seemed much pleased, and said he should like to read it. His companion on receiving the book, expressed her desire to read it, and also the tracts I left with them.

Mingling with fellow-passengers on the highway, plank and rail roads, I find many who gladly receive and read the interesting tracts presented to them. And thus with railroad speed these little flying messengers in the hand of some of the travelling community, are passing throughout our vast continent, and crossing the trackless oceans to other kindred, nations, and people, in the space of a few days. O Lord, in Jesus' name, be pleased to inspire thy people to engage in this, and every good work for the salvation and redemption of their fellow-men, that it may be said to them by their loving Master, Well done.

Joseph Bates

Monterey, Mich. March 29, 1869