Maranatha Media

Laid Down and Taken Up Again

Posted Jun 08, 2011 by Jeff Wilson in Worship of True God
7,509 Hits


What specific attributes did the Son of God originally possess in heaven before
His incarnation? Secondly, what did He retain during the incarnation? And thirdly,
what ones did He possess after His death, burial, resurrection and glorification
when He ascended back to the courts of heaven? For the most part we will
critically and carefully examine what natural divine attributes the Son of God laid
aside, or as some translations say, “emptied Himself” (Phil 2:7) of, prior to
taking humanity upon Himself and what He possessed during His life on earth.
In dealing with this topic we cannot rely on personal biases and neither can we
afford to be careless. We don’t want to resort to guesswork. We need to
scrutinize and unpack a number of “difficult” Scriptural passages that on the
surface sometimes seem contradictory but are in reality paradoxes that when
understood reveal great truths.
This study also explores in depth the events approaching and surrounding the
passion and the underlying reasons WHY Jesus specifically died of a cross. This is
a solid foundation for the follow-up study that backs up a little to the incarnation
addressing questions in relation to the “omni’s”.

What specific attributes did the Son of God originally possess in heaven before His incarnation? Secondly, what did He retain during the incarnation? And thirdly, what ones did He possess after His death, burial, resurrection and glorification when He ascended back to the courts of heaven? For the most part we will critically and carefully examine what natural divine attributes the Son of God laid aside, or as some translations say, “emptied Himself” (Phil 2:7) of, prior totaking humanity upon Himself and what He possessed during His life on earth.

In dealing with this topic we cannot rely on personal biases and neither can we afford to be careless. We don’t want to resort to guesswork. We need to scrutinize and unpack a number of “difficult” Scriptural passages that on the surface sometimes seem contradictory but are in reality paradoxes that when understood reveal great truths.

This study also explores in depth the events approaching and surrounding the passion and the underlying reasons WHY Jesus specifically died of a cross. This is a solid foundation for the follow-up study that backs up a little to the incarnation addressing questions in relation to the “omni’s”.


This study on the divine nature, humanity, death and resurrected life of Christ is contained in the PDF document entitled "Laid Down and Taken Up Again".