Maranatha Media

Life Matters-the book

Posted Feb 05, 2011 by Evelyn Ebens in Family and Community
9,526 Hits

I would just like to tell you all how much I have enjoyed reading the book-Life Matters! (See

Somehow the old truths became new refreshing truths and  I saw our beliefs in a new light. I have used the material to produce at least 3 sermons and one dear lady actually thanked me , saying" We ought to hear more sermons like this" , which was encouraging.

A favourite chapter "The marriage within the Most Holy Place-the Judgment' particularly gave me hope.

John 17: 21-22  (from the prayer of Jesus ) "That they may all be one, as You Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in US, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And that the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one-just as We are One.

Quote from the book-'This oneness comes directly from perfect submission to the life that flows from the Father. As the church submits fully to Christ, the channel (of blessing) flows perfectly and Christ is revealed in His bride (us)

The wonderful marriage of Christ and His bride fully  reconnects the channel of blessing and the Spirit of Christ flows FULLY into His submissive bride and produces the fruit of that Spirit.'

As one who longs for our people to be ready to receive a FULL measure of His Spirit, and complete our work on the earth; that we may see our Lord soon-

This reading has been a great comfort to me!