Maranatha Media

Light, Health and Special Strength

Posted May 05, 2024 by Adrian Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
770 Hits

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psa 136:1  NLT

My heart is filled with gratitude to our Father and His loving kindness. In my first presentation for Passover I shared the story of how, I had been feeling quite tired for six weeks leading up to Passover. I had become concerned that I would not be able to attend and present the things given to me of God. But I rested in the promises of God that He would bless me with special strength to be able to fulfil my duties to the people of God. This is the quote that has blessed me so many times.

All heaven was represented to me as beholding and watching upon the Sabbath those who acknowledge the claims of the fourth commandment and are observing the Sabbath. Angels were marking their interest in, and high regard for, this divine institution. Those who sanctified the Lord God in their hearts by a strictly devotional frame of mind, and who sought to improve the sacred hours in keeping the Sabbath to the best of their ability, and to honor God by calling the Sabbath a delight—these the angels were specially blessing with light and health, and special strength was given them. But, on the other hand, the angels were turning from those who failed to appreciate the sacredness of God’s sanctified day, and were removing from them their light and their strength. I saw them overshadowed with a cloud, desponding, and frequently sad. They felt a lack of the Spirit of God. { 2T 704.3} 

In my presentation, I mentioned a product which the Lord reminded me about, that helped me and gave me energy, the day before Passover began. It is true this product helped me, but now I have come home, my energies have subsided again, although not to the same level as before. It maybe that I am detoxing some things but it became abundantly clear to me that the Lord sustained me through the entire feast. I was able to conduct 14 presentations during the week. Nine in Australia and five via Skype/Zoom to Germany, Poland, and France.

It takes considerable energy to present these topics, and the Lord Jesus helped me greatly to be able to do it. This past Sabbath, I felt quite tired again, and wondered if I could conduct the meeting I had prepared. As I began to speak, I felt a little tired but after 5 minutes I felt fully strengthened and without any tiredness at all. This remained with me for the rest of the Sabbath. The next day, today, I felt quite tired again. 

I feel so blessed passing throug this experience. I see the Lord Jesus sustains me WHEN I need it and in response to FAITH IN HIM. I might just give way to the feelings of tiredness and not venture to present, but I know I have a calling to present the truth and I have been able to rest in the promises of God's word. 

I know also that many of you are praying for me for which I am so thankful. These things cause me to feel my utter dependance of our Father and His Son. It is such a delight to be given a place in sharing this message. The relief I have in knowing the true character of our Father. The joy I have in my true sonship to the Father. I could only wish that all could be as happy as I am in this precious light. 

I know that this tiredness is a blessing. It reminds me that all I have comes from our Father and I can do nothing without Him. I know this seven year period from Oct 2022 till Oct 2029 will be a period of testing for us. We must learn to have faith through tests, trial, weariness, sorrow and pain. We will appreciate these things more in the future. We must be prepared for the great changes that are descending upon us right now and in the coming months and year. 

May we all hold fast the assurance that our Father will supply all our needs. We are His children. He will help us and will not leave us. No not ever. 

Glory and praise be to His holy name.