Maranatha Media

Love is the Agency by Which Sin is Removed

Posted Nov 26, 2022 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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What a precious thought is contained in this quote. Thank you Jutta for sharing this. It shows clearly that it is the loveliness of Christ that changes the heart. When the heart is won by love, sin is removed. Force is never used. No forceful command to submit or be burned to death is found here. No fear of punishment is the motivatation. Only love to Jesus, the revelation of the Father. 

Through Christ, moral power is brought to man that will change the entire affections, and enable man to work with a will for the cause of God. Where all the power of mind and body was before concentrated to work the works of evil, by the Spirit of God a revolution is brought about. The Holy Spirit enlightens, renews, and sanctifies the soul. Angels behold with inexpressible rapture the results of the working of the Holy Spirit in man. By the revelation of the attractive loveliness of Christ, by the knowledge of his love expressed to us while we were yet sinners, the stubborn heart is melted and subdued, and the sinner is transformed and becomes a child of God. Love is the agency which God uses to expel sin from the human soul. By it he changes pride into humility, enmity and unbelief into love and faith. He does not employ compulsory measures; Jesus is revealed to the soul, and if man will look in faith to the Lamb of God, he will live.  {ST, June 9, 1890 par. 10}

This quote motivates me to keep moving forward. Our Father has given us the truth. Praise to the Father and Son!