Maranatha Media

Maranatha Media Passover Camp Meeting April 21-30 2016

Posted Feb 04, 2016 by Adrian Ebens in Events
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Blessings Through the Windows of Heaven Passover Camp. April 21-30.

Start Date: Thurday Evening April 21
End Date: Sabbath Evening April 30.

Location: 206 Reid Rd, Widgee QLD 4570. 30 Minutes west of Gympie

We have facilities for Camping and Caravans. There is a shower and toilet amenities block and also cooking facilities.

Speakers: Adrian Ebens, Craig Jacobson, Eddie Perez, Colin Nicolson, Craig Jones, Trevor Russell, Jeff Wilson.

Please contact Eddie Perez to register for the camp meeting.

We look forward to fellowshipping together through spiritual presentations, Bible study groups, group activities and fun activities for the family. We will be having a family outing together at Rainbow beach during the week. We plan to have a Baptism on the final Sabbath. We will share communion on Friday evening the 22nd of April.

We are finalising the camp Schedule at present and will send this to all those who register for the meetings.

We wish to gather to remember the wonderful sacrifice of our Father in giving His only begotten Son for us. We wish to express gratitute to God for causing the destroyer to passover us through the blood of Christ. We wish to give praise to our Father for His grace through Christ to take sin out of our lives through the Holy Spirit.

We pray above all things that this time together will facilitiate the process of taking the leaven of sin out of our lives through the Spirit of Christ. We are confident that our Lord Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath sends to us special refreshment in the Spirit as His appointed times. This gathering is preperation for when we shall gather before our heavenly Father and Lord Jesus from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another. Even though Satan has thought to change the sacred festivals and the law we are thankful that our Father in His mercy has revealed to His people the Sabbath more fully through His special appointments.

We know that when God sent Moses into Egypt to begin their emancipation they began to keep the weekly Sabbath. In order for them to leave Egypt they requested Pharaoh that they might keep a feast unto the Lord. That feast was the memorial of when God gave His everlasting covenant to Abraham.

We look forward to seeing you there.